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MOU No. :M-01 1-18-00 <br />SCAG Project/OWP No.:275-4823.01 <br />14. Equal Employment Opportunity/Nondiscrimination <br />a. In the performance of work undertaken pursuant to this MOU, the Parties and their assignees <br />and successors in interest, shall affirmatively require that their employees and contractors shall <br />not unlawfully discriminate, harass or allow harassment, against any employee or applicant for <br />employment because of sex, race, color, ancestry, religious creed, national origin, physical <br />disability (including HIV and AIDS), medical condition (cancer), age, marital status, denial of <br />family and medical care leave, and denial of pregnancy disability leave. <br />b. The Parties shall ensure that the evaluation and treatment of their employees and applicants for <br />employment are free from such discrimination and harassment. The Parties shall comply with <br />the provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act (Government Code, Section 12900 et <br />seq.) and the applicable regulations promulgated there under (California Code of Regulations, <br />Title 2, Section 7285.0 et seq.). The applicable regulations of the Fair Employment and <br />Housing Commission implementing the Government Code sections referenced above, are <br />incorporated into this MOU by reference and made a part hereof as if set forth in full. <br />c. Noncompliance: In the event of noncompliance by either Party with the nondiscrimination <br />provisions of this MOU, the other Party may cancel, terminate or suspend the MOU, in whole <br />or in part. <br />d. If required by DOT, additional or alternate sanctions for noncompliance may be imposed. <br />15. Conflict of Interest <br />The Parties shall comply with Federal and State conflict of interest laws, regulations and policies. <br />16. Independent Contractor <br />CITY and its Consultant(s), officers, employees and agents shall be independent contractors in the <br />performance of this MOU, and not officers, employees, contractors or agents of SCAG. <br />17. Disputes <br />Except as otherwise provided in this MOU, if a dispute arises between the Parties to this MOU, <br />the Parties hereto agree to use the following procedure to resolve such dispute, prior to pursuing <br />other legal remedies: <br />a) A meeting shall be held promptly between the Parties that will be attended by the CITY's Project <br />Manager and SCAG's Project Manager as well as individuals with decision -making authority (to <br />the extent reasonably possible), who will attempt in good faith to negotiate a resolution of the <br />dispute. <br />b) If the Parties are unsuccessful in resolving the dispute under (a) above, they may: <br />(1) agree to submit the matter to mediation, binding judicial reference, or a private adjudicator (if <br />all Parties so agree); or <br />May 9, 2018 <br />Page 11 <br />