Laserfiche WebLink
2. APPROACH (PS8) <br />Approach and Methodology <br />MIG's approach leverages our staff's extensive <br />experience providing graphic design, document editing <br />and web technology services to planning agencies for <br />community engagement, public education and document <br />and website production. As planners, designers, <br />communication specialists and web engineers, the MIG <br />Team possesses the breadth of professional skills required <br />to support your planning team's graphic design and <br />document production needs throughout the General Plan <br />Update process. <br />Our approach anticipates the completion of three major <br />deliverables: <br />1. Ongoing graphic and web design support providing <br />visually interesting content to promote community <br />engagement and understanding of the General Plan <br />Update; <br />2. An elegant and technically robust printed General Plan <br />document; and, <br />3. An interactive, searchable and mobile -optimized <br />web -based General Plan website. <br />Cupeitlno General Plan <br />The MIG Team fully understands the third deliverable <br />is not a requirement of this RFP. However, we are <br />including this deliverable In our proposal because it Is <br />a valuable and extremely cost-effective result of our <br />innovative document production methodology and tools. <br />Specifically, our approach includes the use of ingenious <br />new software, called TangerineTm, that enables planning <br />agencies to easily, automatically and cost-effectively <br />convert complex and long print documents to searchable <br />interactive websites, <br />The use of the Tangerine'rM software solves a problem <br />that cities, counties and planning agencies have faced for <br />years — how to convert print documents Into interactive <br />web documents simply and affordably. Tangerines^^ does <br />this by using the same Adobe InDesign or Microsoft <br />Word document template created to produce an elegant <br />complex print document and automatically converts it Into <br />a mobile -optimized, searchable and interactive website In <br />just minutes. <br />Tanger{neTM is new open source software that was <br />just awarded the American Planning Association (APA) <br />Technology Division's 2017 Smart Cities Award. (For <br />more information an the Tangerine'^' software, please <br />go to <br />i= <br />CITY OF SANTAANA I Comprehensive General Plan Update and Envisioning Sustainabillty Together <br />