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AECOM <br />' ••• •r,, • • ' •• <br />Task 1.0: Kick -Off Meeting and Project Initiation <br />We have included an initial meeting between City and AECOM staff to refine the work plan and outline <br />and discuss and clarify key issues, variables, and project objectives and goals. The AECOM team will then <br />provide a detailed work plan and schedule to the City. This initial meeting along with the deliverables <br />will serve to enhance cooperation and expectations throughout the project to achieve efficiency, cost- <br />effectiveness, and high -quality deliverables. <br />Due to a number of recently completed City documents such as the Santa Ana Economic Development <br />Strategy in 2016 and the Consolidated Plan, a significant amount of the basic market information and <br />economic development programs have been documented in just the last few years. As such, the initial <br />phases of this work will include a review and validation of the background data for these documents as <br />well as identify any gaps or additional research that must be done. The scope and budget assumes that <br />much of this background data will be readily available, in a usable format, and that would only need to <br />be updated with more recent data. <br />We anticipate the bulk of the work will involve estimating future land use demand based off of forward <br />looking demographic and market trends and then applying these tests to the viability of the Land Use <br />Visioning Map, the Identification of innovative land use mixes, and fiscal analysis of selected Preferred <br />Land Use Alternatives. <br />Deliverables: <br />• Refined Project Workplan <br />- Refined Project Schedule <br />- One (1) Project Kick -Off Meeting Attended by Two (2) AECOM Team Members <br />Task 2 — Existing Conditions Analysis <br />Task 2.1 Demographic Profile <br />The market analysis will include documentation of various socioeconomic and demographic trends <br />based primarily on data from the most current Census, American Community Survey, SCAG, and other <br />