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Exhibit A <br />Santa Ana General Plan Update Planning Studies <br />Existing Land Use and Build -Out Analysis (PS1) <br />Scope of Work <br />The MIGTeam'swork program includes a series of major tasks and subtasks, with Information from each step creating the foundation for <br />the next task. We will perform the following tasks: <br />TASK 1-PROJECT KICK-OFF AND COORDINATION <br />Task 1.1 Project Initiation and City Tour <br />The MIG Project Management Team will meet with Santa Ana's Project Team to kickoff the project, Identify communication protocols and <br />review procedures, confirm the schedule and work plan tasks, and discuss communication strategies for the project, including coordination <br />with other consultants assigned General Plan -related tasks. This meeting will be used to help define the Initial planning area for base <br />mapping and early visualization efforts. MIG will also provide an information request to City staff outlining the GIS and other data needs for <br />the project. Following the meeting, we will tour Santa Ana with City staff to experience conditions in the field and understand your vision <br />for Implementing land use policy. City staff will be responsible for arranging a van for the tour and developing the tour route. <br />Because MIG will be providing services related to corridor planning, graphic support, and document formatting support, our scope assumes <br />that a single kick-off meeting will be held for our entire scope of services. <br />Task 1.2 Project Management and City Coordination <br />MIG will meet and teleconference with City staff at key points during the project to discuss progress, confirm upcoming milestones, and <br />anticipate upcoming challenges. This task covers day-to-day project management tasks, Including Invoice review and preparation and <br />contract administration for all services provided. Assuming a six-month work for the existing land use and build -out analysis tasks, the <br />budget includes an allowance for this task. Any additional time required for project coordination of other program components beyond the <br />allowance will be billed as provided In the master contract. <br />Task I Deliverobles and Meetings <br />Klck-Off Meeting <br />• Project Management Teleconferences and Team Meetings <br />• Request for information letter(PDF) <br />TASK 2 —BASE ANALYSIS AND EXISTING LAND USE INVENTORY <br />Task 2.1 GIS Base Map <br />MIG, In coordination with the City, will define and format base maps for use throughout the process. MIG will collect and review existing <br />GIS data from the City, Including citywide existing land use, General Plan land use designations, zoning, existing dwelling units per parcel, <br />existing jobs or non-residential square footage per parcel, street centerlines, and, If available, building footprint and height attributes. We <br />will provide recommendations for map layout In letter (8.5" x 11") and tabloid (11" x 17") sizes for use In the General Plan document. We <br />understand the City has many GIS layers and various data available at the start of the project that will be provided to us. <br />Task 2.2 Visualization Base Model <br />MIG's visualization specialists will begin the groundwork for developing the initial stages of the existing physical environment for the study <br />area. This preliminary work will be done at a high level for planning study purposes, with more details to be added during subsequent <br />tasks. Using GIS data from Task 2.1, MIG will re-create the existing streetscapes, building forms and massing (Including number of building <br />stories), urban open spaces, public right -a -way, and other physical features of the built environment. MIG will provide City staff up to 10 <br />view Images showing the draft visualization base model work. <br />Santa Ana General Plan Update Planning Studies <br />Existing Land Use and Build -Out Analysis (PSI): Scope of Work ................. <br />Page 1 <br />25M-33 <br />