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3, FEE SCHEDULE (PSS) <br />Fee Proposal <br />The MIG Team has provided our estimated cost by task <br />and a total project cost to complete the Detailed Work <br />Plan proposed on the following page. <br />OPTIONAL TASKS <br />With regard to Optional Tasks described in the Detailed <br />Work Plan, the associated costs would vary depending <br />upon the level of effort requested by City Staff. In the Fee <br />Proposal we provide estimated costs for each optional <br />task. We would discuss the costs with you prior to scope <br />refinement. <br />HOURLY RATES <br />Professional time is billed according to the hourly rates as <br />presented in the Fee Proposal table. The proposed hours <br />and associated professional time costs for MIG team <br />members are provided In the table. <br />DIRECT COSTS <br />Direct costs or project expenses such as photocopying <br />(large -quantity), plotting and printing (b&w, color) are <br />charged at cost, plus 10%. The cost of communications <br />including postage, courier and other delivery costs <br />are charged at cost, plus 10%. The mileage charge for <br />personal autos will be the currently applicable mileage <br />rate established by the Internal Revenue Service. All other <br />travel expenses such as accommodations, parking, tolls, <br />etc, are charged at cost plus 10%. <br />MI Wa G <br />Should we be selected, <br />MIG will review each <br />assignment's objectives <br />carefully with City staff and <br />tailor our scope and cost <br />to best meet the needs <br />and resources of the City <br />of Santa Ana. <br />25M-50 PSG Graphic Design and Support 0 <br />