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S L P R O P O S A L <br />City of Santa Aria I Water Rf.;S lurcea DMSiorn <br />RFP #17-131 <br />SCHEDULE I TIMELINE <br />SL has provided a preliminary timeline (schedule) for the production of the WQCCR. This <br />timeline is accelerated due to the late start in developing the WQCCR and mandatory deadline. <br />A schedule for all else contained in this proposal will be created after specific deliverables and <br />deadlines are established. <br />DATE <br />'21 <br />WQCCR MILESTONE <br />-Mar <br />Project Start <br />22 -Mar <br />Kick-off Meeting <br />29 -Mar <br />Complete special CCR communications <br />29 -Mar <br />Complete CCR content outline + design concepts <br />2 -Apr <br />Begin work on CCR content development <br />2 -Apr <br />Tables with data from City due <br />5 -Apr <br />Complete 2018 Communications Plan <br />5 -Apr <br />Bus shelter ad artwork to vendor <br />5 -Apr <br />Meeting + presentation of work in progress <br />12 -Apr <br />CCR articles, tips, etc, approvals due <br />19 -Apr <br />Meeting + presentation of PDF report design <br />23 -Apr <br />PDF report revisions <br />26 -Apr <br />PDF CCR finalized and approvals <br />4 -May <br />Meeting + presentation of site design proposal <br />18 -May <br />Finalize site design <br />25 -May <br />Site testing, approvals <br />1 -Jun <br />2017 CCR goes live <br />1 -Jul <br />July 1 mandatory deadline <br />