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and/or power tools. Should the drinking fountain be so plugged that dismantling the <br />fountain is required the Contractor shall notify the Director immediately so City staff can <br />make the repair. <br />9.0 Other Requirements <br />9.1 Weed Control Application <br />Agricultural post control services shall be supervised by a state licensed/certified <br />agricultural pest control employee or approved sub -contractor. <br />The Contractor shall notify the OC Agricultural Commissioner's Office and the Director's <br />Representative via email a minimum of 48 hours in advance of any pesticide <br />applications. The required information shall be the name of the company performing the <br />application, the proposed pesticides to be applied listing the manufacturer/name, of the <br />pesticide, the rate(s) of application, the reentry period and the method of <br />application. Furthermore, the Contractor shall copy the email to the Agricultural <br />Commissioner's Office, thereby, notifying their Inspectors of your sub -contractor's or <br />QAUQAC intent to apply pesticides. Furthermore, Contractor's sub -contractor or <br />QAUQAC shall post on A -frame barricades plastic sealed 18"x24" at minimum 300' <br />intervals (where applicable) public notification posters listing the company performing the <br />application, the proposed pesticides to be. applied listing the manufacturer/name of the <br />pesticide, the rate(s) of application, the reentry period and the method of application. <br />9.1.1 Weed Control <br />All hardscape and landscape planting areas (excluding turf areas) shall be kept free <br />of weeds at all times. Weeds shall be removed by hand and/or approved mechanical <br />or chemical methods. The Director's Representative may dispatch City staff or <br />other contractor's to remove/eradicate weeds that reach two (2) inches or greater or <br />when weeds exist in turf areas and are not removed/eradicated immediately. In <br />such instance, the cost will be deducted from the Contractor's monthly invoice. <br />9,2 Work Not Scheduled <br />The Director's Representative may delete a portion of or the entire work site from <br />contractual maintenance during a construction period or any period where the Director <br />determines that work cannot be scheduled. The deletion of this portion of work will be <br />reflected as a reduction in the monthly payment to the Contractor. The amount of reduction <br />will be based on the percentage of area involved and will be determined by the City. <br />10.0 City Inspection <br />The Director's Representative shall regularly inspect the parks, playgrounds, fields and all other <br />City property subject to this Agreement. If said inspection results in discovery of work that is not <br />performed in the manner, and to the professional degree set forth in the Specifications, The <br />Contractor agrees that the City shall; 1) withhold from Contractor's next monthly payment, the <br />City's actual or estimated cost of performing the work; or, 2) hire a contractor or City staff to <br />perform the work not performed and then withhold from the Contractor's next monthly payment <br />the City's actual cost for performing the work to bring the property into conformance with the <br />specifications. Additionally, City shall impose liquidated damages of up to $300.00 perinspection, <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 18-030 <br />Page 17 <br />25J-20 <br />