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The information contained in the above referenced documents shall be updated with any <br />new information as changes occur. The Director's Representative shall be immediately <br />notified of any changes to the above information. <br />Failure to submit a report by the fust of each month shall result in a fine of $100.00 per <br />day for each report submitted late. <br />11.0 WATER CONSERVATION & PROGRAMMING OF CONTROLLERS <br />11.1 The City shall be responsible for programming irrigation controllers and conserving water. <br />The Contractor shall be responsible for all repairs and performing the weekly visible <br />irrigation checks and the providing a monthly written irrigation test report by <br />park/controller/station. <br />12.0 SPECIFICATIONS INTERPRETATION <br />12.1 The intent of these specifications is known by the City of Santa Ana and SAPRF. Any <br />questions relating to the interpretation of these specifications must be addressed, in writing, <br />prior to the start of work. The Contractor agrees that interpretations of this contract after <br />the start of work are at the sole discretion of the Director's Representative, and the <br />Contractor shall abide by all such interpretations <br />13.0 PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES AND STRUCTURES <br />13.1 The Contractor shall exercise due care in protecting from damage all existing facilities, <br />structures, and utilities, both above surface and underground on the City's property. Any <br />damage to City, Santa Ana Park and Recreation Facilities (SAPRF), or private property <br />caused by the Contractor's neglect shall be corrected and paid for -by the Contractor at no <br />cost to the City of Santa Ana or SAPRF. The City of Santa Ana and/or Director's <br />Representative shall make the determination of fault. The Director's Representative <br />reserves the right to issue a Stop Work Notice if the Contractor does not promptly repair <br />any damage, within twenty-four (24) hours of the damage incurred. <br />13.2 If the Directors Representative requests or directs the Contractor to perform work in a given <br />area, it will be the Contractor's responsibility to verify and locate any underground systems <br />(i.e. utility lines) and take responsibility for taking reasonable precaution when working in <br />these areas. <br />13.3 Contractor shall call Underground Alert (800) 422-4133) at least two working days prior <br />to digging for line locations. Any damage or problems shall be reported immediately to <br />the Director's Representative and the City of Santa Ana. If the Contractor discovers <br />something unexpected or a unique problem occurs, he should stop work and immediately <br />contact an authorized Director's Representative for a timely resolution of the problem. <br />14.0 SUBSTITUTIONS <br />14.1 Whenever a specific type of material is specified, no substitutions shall be allowed without <br />written consent of the SAPRF representative. <br />City of Santa Ana RFP 18-030 <br />Page 22 <br />25J-25 <br />