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E. Relevant Project Experience <br />The following pages provide descriptions of key projects completed for public agencies in California <br />within the past five years. Presented thereafter is a table that present a selection of similar experience <br />with rate studies and revenue programs for clients in California and throughout the county. <br />Dates of Service: 2015 — Present <br />Project Team: Mark Hildebrand, Matt <br />Freiberg, Ben Stewart <br />Client Contact: Joone Lopez, General <br />Manager;; (949) <br />448-4071; 27500 La Paz Rd. Laguna <br />Niguel, CA 9287 <br />Moulton Nigel, CA <br />Comprehensive Water, Sewer and Recycled Water Rate Study <br />The Moulton Niguel Water District is a retail water, wastewater and recycled water purveyor located in <br />Orange County, CA. The district indirectly purchases wholesale water that originates from Colorado <br />River California Aqueduct. In 2014, the state of California issued drought state of emergency <br />declarations in response to record -low water levels in California's rivers and reservoirs, thereby <br />Impacting the cost of imported water and the availability of water supplies. <br />Our team worked with the district to develop budget based water rates, recycled water rates, and <br />wastewater rates that would enable the district to (1) recover projected operating cost increases; (2) <br />continue to repair and replace the district's aging infrastructure; (3) maintain the financial stability of the <br />utilities; (4) avoid the depletion of reserves; and (5) comply with regulatory and legal requirements. <br />Moulton Niguel's water rates are budget -based rates. Residential customers are given an indoor and an <br />outdoor water budget for the first two tiers, respectively, and then three additional tiers which are used <br />to fund the conservation program and peaking costs. Commercial customers' water budgets are <br />calculated based on a three-year rolling average of monthly water use. Irrigation and recycled water <br />customers' water budgets are calculated in the same manners as residential outdoor water budgets. <br />Stantec calculated a monthly fire protection charge for properties with private fire suppression systems. <br />In response to the drought, Stantec helped the district shape water shortage rates that complement the <br />district's water shortage contingency plan, which adjusts customers' assigned water budgets during <br />specified stages. During Stages 2-5, any customer who uses water In excess of their calculated water <br />budget is required to pay a unit -based administrative penalty in addition to the standard volumetric <br />charge. The wastewater rates were structured to recover the costs to operate and maintain the <br />wastewater collection system and to pay wholesale costs for treating and disposing of its wastewater. <br />City of Santa Ana. Catifonda I Water and Sewer Enterprise Cwt of Service Study <br />2513-33 <br />Stantec 13 <br />