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NONPROFITS <br />INSURANCE <br />®W ALLIANCE Or CALIFORNIA <br />.eh'aadjorrnzumxrm,aPOLICY NLJMSER;2017.09201 <br />C. Our maximum aggregate limit of liability for all "security event" costs and expenses <br />covered by this policy shall be $50,000. <br />A. We will reimburse you for reasonable costs and expenses you incur, with our prior written <br />consent, because of a threat or threats, during the policy period, that include an actual extortion <br />demand related to your computer system, <br />A. Our maximum aggregate limit of liability for all costs and expenses due to extortion covered by this <br />policy shall be $50,000. <br />lv, CRISIS MANAGEMENT AND REWARD EXPENSES <br />A, We will reimburse you for all reasonable costs and expenses you incur, with our prior written <br />consent, for "crisis management" due to a "security event," if that "security event" takes place <br />during the policy period. <br />A. The following paragraph is added to the Definitions Section: <br />"Crisis management" means hiring for a specified period of time following a "security <br />event" such organizations as a law firm, an information security firm or a public relations <br />firm, as well as preparation and placement of advertisements and public relations <br />activities. <br />B. We will reimburse you for all reasonable costs and expenses you incur, with our prior written <br />consent, for payment of a "reward." <br />C. The following paragraph is added to the Definitions Section: <br />"Reward" means the reasonable amount that you pay a person for information regarding a <br />"security <br />event" or threatened or actual extortion covered by this policy; provided that the <br />Information is not otherwise available and leads to the arrest and conviction of a person <br />responsible for the crime. <br />D. Our maximum aggregate limit of liability for all "crisis management" and "reward" <br />costs and expenses covered by this policy shall be $25,000, <br />NIAC E6207 13 <br />Page 3 of 3 ��1�, <br />