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Serco Business <br />annual amount to be expended for parking control enforcement services shall not exceed <br />$ annually, during the term of this Agreement. <br />2. Invoices <br />a. The Contractor shall submit a monthly invoice by the 15th of the month to the City for the services <br />rendered in the prior month. <br />All invoices for work performed under this contract shall be submitted electronically in a Microsoft <br />Excel 2003 format or newer, or other format approved by the City Projects Manager or designee. <br />c. The invoice shall include the following information at a minimum: <br />i. Contractor's invoice number <br />ii. Beginning and ending dates for services <br />Ill. City work order number (if applicable) <br />iv. Work site address/location (if applicable) <br />V. Unit cost, subtotals and total for invoice <br />vi. GPS Route Maps (if determined required by City) <br />3. Payment by City shall be made within sixty (60) days following receipt of proper invoice, subject to City <br />accounting procedures. Payment need not be made for work which fails to meet the standards of <br />performance of a professional parking control enforcement services. <br />4. Adjustments to Charges <br />The parties may annually agree to an adjustment of parking control enforcement services charges (not <br />to exceed 2%) commencing at the end of the first year of the agreement, utilizing the month of <br />December statistics and supporting documentation. The two indices which will be used for determining <br />adjustments to parking control enforcement services charges shall be the most recent December <br />Consumer Price Index (CPI) for All Urban Consumers for Los Angeles -Anaheim -Riverside CMSA, <br />published by the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics or any relevant <br />successor for the Orange County area. <br />5. Extra Work <br />No new work of any kind shall be considered unless a separate estimate is given for said work and <br />the estimate is approved by the City in writing before the work is commenced. The Contractor will <br />be required to provide detailed information of such extra work. Documentation of contract <br />compliance may be required on some occasions. <br />D. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR <br />Contractor shall during the entire term of this Contract, be construed to be an independent contractor <br />and not an employee of the City. This Contract is not intended nor shall it be construed to create an <br />employer -employee relationship, a joint venture relationship, or to allow the City to exercise discretion <br />or control over the manner in which Contractor performs the services required by this Contract. <br />However, the services to be provided by Contractor shall be provided in a manner consistent with all <br />applicable standards and regulations governing such services. Contractor shall pay all salaries and <br />wages, employer's social security taxes, unemployment insurance and similar taxes relating to <br />employees and shall be responsible for all applicable withholding taxes. <br />City of Santa Ana Police Department <br />Request for Proposals for Parking Control Enforcement Services #18-033 <br />Page 18 <br />