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A. Cover Letter <br />® Stantec <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Attn: Cesar Barrera <br />Public Works Agency, City Corporation Yard <br />215 South Center Avenue, Building A <br />Santa Ana CA 92703 <br />Re: RFP No. 17-142 — Water and Sewer Enterprise Cost of Service Study <br />Dear Mr. Barrera and Members of the Selection Committee: <br />January 23, 2018 <br />We are pleased to present this proposal to conduct a water and sewer cost of service study for the City of Santa Ana <br />(City). Our team understands that the success of your utility is often judged on how well you avoid financial <br />turmoil and legal challenges while you continue to invest in your assets and deliver great services. A <br />financial plan and rate analysis from Stantec helps you identify difficulties in advance, analyze your options and plot <br />the course for a safe arrival at your future. <br />Our project team is uniquely qualified to assist the City in this important study. Our Project Manager, Mark <br />Hildebrand, has 16 years of utility rate consulting experience in California. He is also an expert in the legal landscape <br />for water rate -setting in California and has had articles published on the implications of Proposition 218 on utility rate <br />making. He will serve as your main point of contact during proposal evaluation as well as during the project. Our <br />Regional Advisor, John Moynier, is based in our Irvine office, and has a long history of working as a trusted advisor to <br />local public utilities, including a number of Orange County water and wastewater agencies. <br />We have teamed with CV Strategies (a frequent partner to Stantec on similar projects) to provide translation services <br />and potentially provide public outreach (as a value-added service if requested by the City). <br />Mr. Hildebrand and a number of his colleagues are currently serving on the AWWA Rates and Charges Committee <br />where they are actively involved in developing the industry standards for rate setting, as published in AWWA's <br />Manual M1 — Principles of Water Rates, Fees and Charges. This experience means we bring industry best practices <br />to our approach to the City in the form of financial forecasting, cost of service, and rate making. <br />Stantec Consulting Services Inc. (Stantec) is a publicly traded corporation, and Mr. Hildebrand has the authority to <br />make legally binding commitments for Stantec. <br />If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. <br />Sincerely, <br />ark n <br />Project Manager & Contracting Authority <br /> <br />1340 Treat Ave. Suite 300 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 <br />(510)316-0621 <br />City of Santa Ana, California I Water and Sewer Enterprise Cost of Service Study Stantec 1 <br />