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Reserves. Closely related to this analysis is an examination of adequacy of reserves for operating and <br />capital projects. Adequate reserves are fundamental to achieving financial stability, and can help some <br />systems to avoid sudden or disruptive rate adjustments in the face of unanticipated operating or capita <br />needs. We will examine each enterprises' fund balances and incorporate these balances and <br />alternative reserve policies into the interactive planning process and the conversations we will have <br />regarding financial sustainability. <br />Stantec will work interactively with City staff to validate our financial planning findings during a <br />Financial Planning Validation Workshop. <br />Task Il.b - Cost of Service <br />We identify the most appropriate Prop 218-compliant cost -of -service allocation methodologies and rate <br />structures based upon available data, legal requirements, system configuration, service agreements, <br />resources, customer base, demand and usage characteristics, local practice, and public policy <br />objectives. We then customize the cost allocation module to employ the identified methodologies and <br />concepts best suited for each utility system. We will evaluate the behavior of various customer classes <br />and discuss option, as appropriate, of adding a customer class or combining existing customer classes. <br />At the conclusion of the cost allocation portion of the analysis, we compare the resulting allocation of <br />revenue requirements to the revenue generated by the current rates for each customer class. To the <br />extent current revenue recovery levels are not in line with the results of the cost of service allocation <br />analysis, we evaluate alternative levels of revenue recovery by class of customer within the rate <br />structure analysis that would better comport with the identified cost of service allocations. <br />Stantec will work interactively with City staff to validate our cost of service findings during a Cost of <br />Service Workshop. <br />Task Il.c - Rate Design <br />We will review of the City's current rate structures and collaborate with City staff to understand the <br />options of alternative rate structures. The rate structure will be evaluated (including a review and <br />analysis of current block sizes and seasonal rate differentials) to determine if they may better serve the <br />City's fiscal stability and/or public policy objectives relating to fixed cost recovery, economic <br />development, and affordability, while ensuring a fair and equitable distribution of costs, and <br />conformance to accepted industry practice, legal precedent, and terms of any service agreements. As <br />part of this effort, we will be evaluating the distribution of costs between the fixed and variable <br />components of the rate structure, and will make recommendations that are consistent with your cost <br />recovery objectives. <br />In addition to standard rates, Stantec proposes to develop a drought rate schedule for the City. <br />Drought rates are alternative rate schedules that are adopted and then implemented in the event of a <br />drought (as declared by City Council). Drought rates are a powerful tool against revenue shortfalls <br />during droughts. Interestingly, drought rates don't always involve a change in the unit rate for water, <br />but rather sometimes the adjustment is to the allocation of water for various tiered rates. <br />City of Santa Ana, California I Water and Sewer Enterprise Cost of Service Study Stantec 9 <br />