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SCOPE OFSERVICES <br />a. VENDOR shall perform regular monthly ARMORED SERVICE in accordance <br />with VENDOR's "ARMORED SERVICE AGREEMENT CONTRACT ft 7583" as described <br />in EXHIBIT "A" which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. <br />b. In the event the terms of these RECITALS conflict with the terms of EXHIBIT "A" <br />then the terms of these RECITALS sliall prevail. <br />2. COMPENSATION <br />a. CITY, agrees to pay, and VENDOR agrees to accept as total payment for its <br />ARMORED SERVICE for the initial contractual period of this AGREEMENT (Decembcr 1, 2017 <br />through June 30, 2018), a total fee of Five Thousand Eighty-eight dollars and Ninety-three cents <br />($5,088.93). <br />b. Thereafter, CITY agrees to pay, and VENDOR agrees to accept as total payment for its <br />services for each subsequent year of this AGREEMENT, a monthly fee based on the lesser of <br />VENDOR's published/stated rates then in effect, or an amount equEl to the preceding contract year's <br />pricing adjusted by an increase not to exceed hive (5%)percent. <br />c. Payment for services rendered by VENDOR to CITE" for the period of December 1, <br />2017 through June 30, 2018 shall be made within fifteen (15) days Ulowing execution of this <br />AGREEMENT. <br />d. Thereafter, payment by CITY for each succeeding c-atrict year shall be made within <br />forty-five (45) days following receipt of proper invoicing, subject to CITY accounting procedures <br />and proof of insurance as set forth in section 5 of this AGREEMENT. <br />e. The total amount to be spent pursuant to this AGREEMENT shall not exceed <br />$25,000.00 during the term of this AGREEMENT. <br />3. TERM <br />The term of this AGREEMENT shall run from December 1, 2017 and terminate on <br />June 30, 2020; unless terminated earlier in accordance with Section 12, below. <br />INDEPENDENT CONTRAC'T'OR <br />VENDOR shall, during the entire term of this AGREEMENT, be construed to be ail <br />independent contractor and not an employee of CITY. This AGREEMENT is not intended nor <br />shall it be construed to create an employer-employee relationship, ajoint venture relationship, or <br />to allow CITY to exercise discretion or control over the professional manner in which VENDOR <br />performs the services which are the subject matter of this AGREEMENT; however, the services <br />to be provided by VENDOR shall be provided in a manner consistent with all applicable <br />standards and regulations governing such services. VENDOR shall pay all salaries and wages, <br />employer's social security taxes, unemployment insurance and shnilar taxes relating to employees <br />and shall beresponsible forall applicable withholding taxes. <br />