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City Council (2004 - Present)
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8/17/2018 3:57:32 PM
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8/16/2018 1:11:42 PM
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Orozco, Norma <br />From: <br />Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2018 9:53 PM <br />To: eComment; Pulido, Miguel; Sarmiento, Vicente; Martinez, Michele; Solorio, Jose; <br />Benavides, David; Villegas, Juan; Tinajero, Sal; Godinez, Raul;; <br />;;; <br />; <br />Subject: Fwd: Proposed homeless shelter for 600+???? <br />Categories: Correspondence <br />Hello. I don't understand .......... why would our elected officials want to continue to take on the so much <br />responsibility for all the cities in Orange County, when research has shown the origination of the homeless in <br />Santa Ana are from many cities? Please explain. <br />With a city in the news nightly with murders, homeless issues, car chases, pot shops, and a government on the <br />verge of bankruptcy, why on earth would you think we should host several hundred homeless? Why do you <br />think you can take on more when it's clear our city government can't handle what you already have on your <br />plate? <br />The facts are published that the homeless have come into Santa Ana from all parts of Orange County. Have <br />each city take a fair share. <br />Please. don't do this. I have neighbors moving from Santa Ana. I have friends and family who are scared to <br />come to our city. Please, manage what is already on your plate. <br />And please - don't look at raising taxes on a city of people who are low wage earners. Look instead at ways to <br />become more efficient. For example, do we really need to have street sweeping every single week? why not <br />every other? <br />Signed, a very unhappy homeowner, embarrassed to say I live in Santa Ana :-(. Please do the right thing with <br />the homeless shelter - do something to make us proud! <br />The facts are published that the homeless have come into Santa Ana from all parts of Orange County. Have <br />each city take a fair share. <br />Please. don't do this. I have neighbors moving from Santa Ana. I have friends and family who are scared to <br />come to our city. Please, manage what is already on your plate. <br />And please - don't look at raising taxes on a city of people who are low wage earners. Look instead at ways to <br />become more efficient. For example, do we really need to have street sweeping every single week? why not <br />every other? <br />Signed, a very unhappy homeowner, embarrassed to say I live in Santa Ana:-(. Please do the right thing with <br />the homeless shelter - do something to make us proud and feel good about you and our city! <br />4 La / <br />
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