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GPA No. 2018-3, AA No2018-6, ZOA No.'2018-3, and SPR No. 2018-02 Metro East Mixed Use <br />(MEMU) Overlay Zone and Elan projects <br />July 23, 2018 <br />Page 3 <br />Project Descriation and Analvsis:'MEMU and Elan <br />The MEMU Overlay Zone expansion and amendment project•will extend the MEMU overlay zone <br />west along First Street to Grand Avenue and will reclassify certain land use districts and amend <br />certain development standards. The project also includes Elan, a mixed-use development project <br />consisting of 603 residential and live/work units and 8,530 square feet of commercial area. <br />MEMU Expansion and Amendments <br />The MEMU Overlay Zone expansion and amendment project will apply the MEMU (OZ -1) <br />designation to 52 parcels and increase its size by approximately 33 acres. The expansion area <br />currently includes a mixture of commercial and multiple -family land uses, as well. as a handful of <br />vacant parcels and one affordable housing community that is under construction. Extending the <br />MEMU Overlay Zone to these parcels will maintain their existing zoning designations but will apply <br />the OZ -1 designation. The OZ -1 designation will allow property owners to maintain current <br />developments without rendering existing sites legal -nonconforming, but will also add a layer of <br />additional development opportunities should the property owners elect to develop a mixed-use <br />project permitted by the MEMU Overlay Zone. <br />The MEMU Overlay Zone expansion and amendment project requires approval of: <br />General Plan Amendment. Components of the General Plan must be amended to ensure <br />consistency with the MEMU expansion and amendments project and the Elan project. <br />Amendments include updates to the Land Use and Urban Design elements' maps, figures, <br />and buildout assumptions to reflect the MEMU expansion and account for the new Urban <br />Neighborhood and District Center land use designations. The amendments will also be <br />consistent with the 2014 Housing Element. <br />Amendment Application. Changing the existing MEMU map and boundaries requires an <br />amendment application (zone change). The proposed MEMU Overlay Zone expansion area <br />was refined based on community feedback, staff review, and environmental analyses. The <br />boundaries exclude established single-family neighborhoods and properties with historic <br />designations primarily found near Fourth Street. <br />Zoning Ordinance Amendment. Changes to the MEMU text require a zoning ordinance <br />amendment to change the development standards and permitted land uses in the MEMU <br />Overlay Zone. <br />The MEMU Overlay Zone expansion maintain the current caps of 5,551 potential new residential <br />units and a potential net increase of approximately 963,000 square feet of commercial space and <br />69000 square feet of office space that were analyzed and approved in the original EIR and <br />MEMU Overlay District adopted in 2007. The expansion will allow these development potentials to <br />be spread over a larger area within the existing and proposed MEMU Overlay Zone boundaries. <br />75B-5 <br />