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LAND USE ELEMENT <br />Residential <br />The Land Use Plan provides for three distinct residential land use designations. <br />Residential development is also permitted in two other dcsignationsi District <br />Center and Urban Neighborhood. The Santa Ana Land Use Plan includes the <br />following residential land use designations: <br />• The Low Density Residential (LR -7) designation applies to those areas of <br />the City which are developed with lower density residential land uses. The <br />allowable maximum development intensity is 7 units per acre; Development <br />in this category is characterized primarily 'by single-family homes. This <br />designation applies to a large proportion of the City (6jSfr.96,4 44.6 -acres) <br />reptesenting 47 percent of the City's total land area. <br />• The Low -Medium Density Residential (LMR -11) designation applies to <br />those sections of the City which are developed with residential uses at <br />permitted densities of up to 11 units per acre. The land area included in thi's <br />designation is approximately 420.6 acres. The great majority of the land <br />designated as Low -Medium Density Residential is located in the westerly <br />portion of the City, north and south of First Street. Properties with this <br />designation are typically characterized by mobile home parks, a mixture of <br />duplexes and single family residences, or small lot subdivisions. <br />The Medium Density Residential (MR -15) designation applies to those <br />sections of the City which are developed with residential uses at densities of <br />up to 15 units per acre. Development in this designation is characterized by <br />duplexes, apartments, ora combination of both. A total of376 1362.3 acres is <br />designated as Medium Density Residential. The designation applies to areas <br />located in the vicinity of downtown, areas north and south of MacArthur <br />Boulevard, and in other areas where there are established multiple -family <br />development projects. <br />-r L <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA GE14ERAL PLAN A-19 <br />75A-34 <br />