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LAND USE ELEMENT <br />Mixed Use <br />The Land Use Plan provides for two distinct mixed use land use <br />designations. These designations allow for both vertical and horizontal <br />mixed use developments, with an emphasis on linkages to a range of <br />transportation options: <br />The District Center (DC) land use designation includes the major activity <br />areas in the City. Seven areas of the City, totaling 665-5681.1 acres, are <br />designated as District Center. The intensity standard For the District Center <br />designation ranges from a Floor ratio of 1.0 to 5.0. <br />District Centers are designed to serve as anchors to the City's commercial <br />corridors, and to accommodate'major development activity. District Centers <br />are to be developed with an urban character that includes a mixture of high- <br />rise office, commercial, and residential uses which provide shopping, <br />business, cultural, education, recreation, entertainment, and housing <br />opportunities. Residential developments within some District Centers are <br />allowed at a density of up to 90 units per acre when developed as an integral <br />component ofa master planned mixed use project. In Harbor Corridor, Metro <br />East, Downtown, and Transit Village District Centers residential <br />development intensity is based on a combination of floor area ratio and <br />zoning overlay and/or development standards. Some District Centers serve as <br />major retail and employment centers locally and regionally, and should <br />include development which promotes the City as a regional activity center <br />while creating an environment conducive to business on a regional scale. <br />District Centers in Santa Ana include'the following: <br />• The Main Place/City Place District Center includes a regional <br />shopping center and office complex, as well as high intensity housing <br />and mixed-use development. <br />The Museum District located between the Downtown and <br />MafnPlace/City Place District Centers is proposed as a major <br />office/cultural center which will be developed over the next 15 to 20 <br />years. The area will focus upon the expanded Bowers Museum, the <br />Discovery Science Center and the construction of additional <br />museums and cultural centers. <br />The Downtown District serves as one of the County's major <br />employment and governmental operations centers complemented <br />with a mix of residential', commercial, and services uses to enhance <br />its urban vibrancy. Emphasis on streets that accommodate all modes <br />of transportation, including mass transit, pedestrian and bicyclist is <br />key in this urban setting. <br />A-22 CITY OF SANTA ANA GENERAL PLAN <br />75A-37 <br />