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Street -facing retail <br />h. Provide for active street life through the inclusion of <br />dedicated pedestrian -oriented design and active uses <br />on the ground floor at strategic location. <br />i. Provide for a mix of housing in order to encourage a <br />continuum of living and a variety of household types. <br />Ensure that each project includes exceptional site <br />planning, unique architecture, high-quality building <br />materials, extensive open space, indoor and outdoor <br />amenities and first-rate public improvements. <br />Ground -floor commercial space at strategic comer <br />k. Encourage parking solutions that provide for <br />adequate parking to ensure the long-term quality <br />of the project, but that are creative in their design <br />thereby enhancing the area's urban form. Parking <br />requirements are designed to create a level of <br />scarcity that will discourage vehicle trips, increase <br />pedestrian activity, and enhance the provision of <br />high-quality building and site design. <br />I. Facilitate project designs that encourage adequate <br />amounts of retail or commercial space to service <br />residents and/or employees within the <br />development and the larger Metro East Overlay <br />Zone area. <br />M. Allow for the development of varied residential <br />types in a mixed-use configuration including, but <br />not limited to loft -style units, live/work units, <br />attached row houses, and high-quality stacked flats. <br />n. Provide adequate access for public safety services. <br />o. Stimulate investment and reinvestment in the area <br />through the provision of a comprehensive planning <br />framework that facilitates private -market success. <br />p. Provide for an alternative set of zoning regulations <br />than is provided for by the underlying zoning <br />district . <br />q. Implement the City's General Plan. <br />Unique architecture <br />Contemporary building materials <br />