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(See also Section 4.1.1). Properties outside the core of <br />the Village Center will be allowed to develop up to a <br />height of six stories. <br />3. Active Urban District: No maximum height; <br />minimum three stories required <br />The Active Urban District is the most intensive in scale <br />within the MEMU area, and is designed to create a highly <br />urbanized environment. New development in this District <br />shall relate in scale, height, and configuration with <br />adjacent buildings. New development shall be designed <br />and oriented to promote intensive public activity at the <br />ground level that integrates and establishes a cohesive <br />transition to adjacent Districts. <br />Larger buildings shall be broken down in scale through <br />changes in massing, changes in plane and profile, fagade <br />subdivision, as well as other architectural means to ensure <br />that the building is well proportioned and creates a <br />satisfactory composition. Sites in this District shall be <br />designed so that tower elements do not impact adjacent <br />lower intensity developments but rather are designed to <br />maximize exposure to the freeway or to adjacent <br />developments of a similar intensity. <br />A minimum building height of three stories is required <br />within this District to ensure that a level of intensity is <br />achieved on any development site even when there are <br />multiple buildings of various heights. Any new <br />development that is ten stories or greater in the Active <br />Urban District and is proposed at a location adjacent to a <br />multiple -family residential use or zone outside of the <br />MEMU area shall be set back at least 150' from the <br />property line of the adjacent residentially used or zoned <br />property. <br />4. Office District: Ten stories maximum <br />Existing development within the Office District varies from <br />two-story garden offices to the high-rise Xerox Center <br />adjacent to the 1-5 Freeway. Development in this District is <br />limited to office uses to maintain a core of offices uses <br />within the Metro East area and therefore is least likely to <br />utilize the provisions of the MEMU Overlay Zone. New <br />development in this District under the Overlay Zone will <br />vary from low-rise garden office to mid -rise office <br />buildings with ancillary uses and may not redevelop as <br />quickly as other Metro East areas. <br />Higher intensity mixed-use building <br />The height, scale, mass and bulk of new development <br />shall be designed to achieve a "human scale" at the <br />ground level to foster a pedestrian -friendly atmosphere, <br />with buildings located along and oriented to the <br />street frontages and common plazas. In order to <br />maintain a consistent level of development intensity <br />within this District, a minimum height of three stories is <br />encouraged. If a project is on a large site with multiple <br />buildings, an average of four stories should be used as a <br />guide. <br />4.3 MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT SITE AREA <br />As a means to encourage development that achieves <br />the objectives of the MEMU Overlay Zone, all new <br />development shall have a minimum lot size that facilitates <br />the use of design principles that achieve adequate <br />setbacks, open spaces, connections with adjacent <br />properties in the district, and a high level of site design. <br />Required development site area is required as follows: <br />a. Neighborhood Transitional District <br />20,000 square feet <br />b. Village Center District <br />30,000 square feet <br />