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EXHIBIT B <br />SCOPE OF WORI< FOR SEISMIC RETROFIT <br />The property owner must submit an application for an alternate material, design, or method of <br />construction in accordance with Chapter 8 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code for seismic retrofit of <br />the existing building. <br />Performance-based engineering analysis and design procedures may be used to evaluate the <br />existing structure and the design of strengthening elements, in compliance with the code <br />standard ASCE 41-13 for Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings. Seismic retrofit. <br />using performance-based engineering shall cornply with ASCE 41-13 with a minimum <br />Performance Objective defined as "Basic Performance Objectives for Existing Buildings <br />(BPOE)" using minimum Tier 2 analysis. <br />Peer review is required for performance-based design based on ASCE 41-13, The peer review <br />service will be provided at the owner's expense. Per Section 3422 of the California Building <br />Code, the peer reviewer shall be a Californla-licensed structural engineer that has "technical <br />expertise in the evaluation and retrofit of buildings similar to the one being reviewed, as <br />determined by the enforcement agency" and "who is familiar with the technical issues and <br />regulations governing the work to be reviewed." <br />The proposed independent peer review companies shall each provide a resume and <br />qualifications to demonstrate that the structural engineering companies have experience with <br />performance-based structural designs based on ASCE 41. The peer review companies will be <br />evaluated by the Building Official and the one will be selected by the Building Official to peer <br />review the project. <br />The peer review will include both the review of the structural analysis and the corresponding <br />structural plans and documents, A final recommendation letter by a California registered <br />structural engineer will be provided to the City, with wet stamp and signature. <br />The City's Building Division will be involved in all steps of the peer review process as follows: <br />1. An alternate method and materials application and plans submittal is required. <br />2. A separate seismic structural upgrade package will be submitted to the Building Division to <br />be plan reviewed concurrently with the peer reviewprocess. <br />3. The Building Division will approve the design and acceptance criteria with the structural <br />engineer of record and the peer review company. <br />4. The Building Division will be copied on all stages of the construction documents <br />development. <br />5. The Building Division will use the recommendations from the peer reviewer as part of the <br />final plan check of the structure. <br />