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1 - CUP18-11 18-12_1606 S STANDARD AVENUE
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Planning Commission (2002-Present)
1 - CUP18-11 18-12_1606 S STANDARD AVENUE
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The existing off-sale consumption of alcoholic beverages <br />has not and will not adversely affect the General Plan. The <br />granting of this conditional use permit supports several <br />policies contained in the General Plan such as Policy 2.2 of <br />the Land Use Element encourages land uses that <br />accommodate the City’s needs for goods and services. <br />Policy 5.3 of the Economic Development Element aims to <br />simplify development permit requirements, and assist <br />businesses with permit processing. La Bahia De Acapulco is <br />located in a commercial center and its operation is <br />compatible with the surrounding land uses. <br /> <br />F. The Planning Commission determines that the following findings, which <br />must be established in order to grant this Conditional Use Permit <br />pursuant to Santa Ana Municipal Code (SAMC) Section 41-638, have <br />been established for Conditional Use Permit No. 2018-12 to allow the sale <br />of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption: <br />1. That the proposed use will provide a service or facility which will <br />contribute to the general well being of the neighborhood or <br />community. <br />The proposed sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises <br />consumption at this location will provide an ancillary service <br />to the restaurant’s customers by allowing them the ability to <br />purchase a variety of alcoholic beverages to enjoy with their <br />food. This will thereby benefit the community by providing a <br />restaurant with an additional and complementary food- <br />related amenity. Operational standards applicable to the <br />alcoholic beverage control license will mitigate any potential <br />impacts created by the use and ensure that the use will not <br />negatively affect the surrounding community. <br />2. That the proposed use will not, under the circumstances of the <br />particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, or general <br />welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity. <br />The proposed sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises <br />consumption at this location will not be detrimental to those <br />living or working in the area because operational standards <br />applicable to the alcoholic beverage control license will <br />mitigate any potential negative or adverse impacts created <br />by this use. La Bahia De Acapulco is a restaurant and <br />market and the sale of alcohol for on premises consumption <br />will be ancillary to the primary uses. <br />1-9
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