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It is necessary that the City create a Tenant -Based Rental Assistance program to assist Santa Ana's rent <br />burdened residents. A HOME Investment Partnerships Program funded Tenant -Based Rental Assistance <br />program would provide a rental subsidy to help make up the difference between what a renter can afford to pay <br />and the actual rent for a home. For the 2017 - 2018 fiscal year the City of Santa Ana received $1,207,942 in <br />HOME funds. For this 2018 - 2019 fiscal year the City has received $1,783,000 in HOME funds. The City has <br />the ability to use these funds to provide direct assistance to low-income households who need help paying <br />their rent. <br />A tenant based rental assistance would be different from the Housing Authority's existing Section 8 Housing <br />Voucher Program and Emergency Solutions Grant Homeless Prevention Programs. The City would be able to <br />design and tailor a Tenant -Based Rental Assistance Program to our rent -burdened residents. <br />The Madison Park Neighborhood Association strongly urges the City Council to direct the Housing <br />Development Analyst to develop and design a Tenant -Based Rental Assistance program alongside a <br />community partners and impacted community members workgroup. <br />h <br />7, se J. Re A, <br />PNA Treasurer <br />Co. Richard Santana, MPNA President <br />Angie Gomez, MPNA Vice President <br />Abigail Alvarez, MPNA Secretary <br />MPNA-GREEN Board of Directors