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FULL PACKET_2018-12-11
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2018-12-11
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12/10/2018 3:53:21 PM
Creation date
12/10/2018 3:52:53 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
Destruction Year
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(9) "Retail businesses" as defined in section 40-2(40) of this code. <br />(10) "Gross Square foot" or "gross square footage" for the purposes of this <br />article shall mean: <br />(A) The gross number of square feet comprising a commercial cannabis <br />business' property location (as confirmed by the corresponding <br />"approved building set" or "approved certificate of occupancy" on file <br />with the City of Santa Ana Planning and Building Agency) whichever <br />is the greater of any square footage indicated. <br />(B) In the case of commercial cannabis businesses licensed by the state <br />to engage in cultivation "gross square foot" or "gross square footage" <br />shall mean the aggregate sum of the number of square feet <br />comprising all areas of the premises under "canopy', whether such <br />sum is greater or lesser than the gross square footage as stated in <br />the "approved building set" or "approved certificate of occupancy". <br />"Canopy," shall mean the designated area(s) of a premise that will <br />contain mature plants at any point in time. Canopy shall be calculated <br />in square feet and measured using clearly identifiable boundaries of <br />all area(s) that will contain mature plants at any point in time, <br />including all of the space(s) within the boundaries. Canopy may be <br />noncontiguous, but each unique area included in the total canopy <br />calculation shall be separated by an identifiable boundary which <br />includes interiorwalls, shelves, greenhouse walls, hoop house walls, <br />garden benches, hedgerows, fencing, garden beds, or garden plots; <br />and if mature plants are being cultivated using a shelving system, the <br />surface area of each level shall be included in the total canopy <br />calculation. <br />(11) "Testing Facility' or "Testing Laboratory" as defined in section 40-2(44) of <br />this code. <br />(12) "Wholesale" as defined in section 40-(46) of this code. <br />(k) Modification, repeal or amendment. The city council may repeal the ordinance <br />codified in this article, or amend it in a manner which does not result in an increase <br />in the tax or taxes imposed herein, without further voter approval. The city council <br />may likewise by ordinance adopt and add additional provisions to any other article <br />of this chapter and relate them to this article, or amend any existing provisions of <br />any article of this chapter as they may already relate to this article in any manner <br />which does not result in an increase in the tax or taxes imposed herein, without <br />further voter approval. If the city council repeals said ordinance or any provision of <br />this article, it may subsequently reenact it without voter approval, as long as the <br />reenacted ordinance or section does not result in an increase in the tax or taxes <br />imposed herein. <br />(1) Administration—Rules, regulations and guidelines. In order to aid in the city's <br />collection of taxes due under this article and to ensure that all commercial cannabis <br />businesses are taxed consistently to the best of the city's ability, the collector, with <br />the concurrence of the city attorney, may promulgate rules, regulations, and <br />guidelines, to implement and administer this article including, but not limited to rules, <br />Resolution 2018-049 <br />Page 12 of 16 <br />55A-56 <br />
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