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Approve Amendment to the Solid Waste <br />Agreement and Appropriation Adjustment <br />December 18, 2018 <br />Page 2 <br />compliance, the City anticipates that the JCU will not recommend further compliance action, and <br />the City will continue to avoid fine assessments related to AB 341. However, as of April 2018, the <br />City is currently under preliminary review by the JCU for AB 1826 commercial organics recycling <br />noncompliance. Education and outreach programming without program implementation will not <br />be sufficient to protect the City from formal referral and potential fines assessment. <br />Organics recycling comes at a significant cost (i.e., containers, trucks, staffing, processing, and <br />disposal, etc.). The City's extension agreement allowed WM to set rates for organics recycling <br />services. The current rate, which reflects the actual cost of providing the service, is significantly <br />more than the rate for equivalent solid waste collection services in the City of Santa Ana. Even <br />when combined with comprehensive education and outreach, program participation continues to <br />be minimal and does not meet the mandates of AB 1826. <br />To avoid formal referral to the JCU and potential assessment of fines, the organics recycling <br />program needs rates that will incentivize participation. Many Orange County cities are achieving <br />the highest AB 1826 compliance by designing programming that includes a financial incentive. <br />Of 20 Orange County cities surveyed, 14 cities, or 70%, (Exhibit 2) provided reduced rates as an <br />incentive to businesses to implement organics programs and to help achieve AB 1826 <br />compliance. Staff is recommending approval of an amendment to the extended solid waste <br />services agreement that establishes a new commercial organics recycling program that combines <br />education and outreach with a reduced rate incentive of 50% of the cost of comparable solid <br />waste service. The proposed organics rate incentive would allow businesses to incorporate <br />organics recycling service and to comply with AB 1826 without experiencing significant disposal <br />cost increases. <br />The new program would begin on January 1, 2019, and continue through the end of the extended <br />solid waste services agreement (June 30, 2020) or until the end of the optional one-year <br />extension (June 30, 2021), if exercised. The total cost, including the optional extension, is <br />estimated to be $522,760. An additional 20% contingency of $104,552 will be set aside, should <br />participation exceed estimates. Continued AB 1826 programming will be a component of the <br />Scope of Work for the new solid waste services Request for Proposals. <br />STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT <br />Approval of the item supports the City's efforts to meet Goal #4 — City Financial Stability, <br />Objective #1 (maintain a stable, efficient and transparent financial environment). <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />There is no environmental impact associated with this action. However, increased recycling <br />activity will divert materials from the landfill, thus extending the life of the landfill system and <br />recovering valuable recyclable resources. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />The estimated cost for the new commercial organics recycling program is $522,760 plus a 20% <br />contingency of $104,552, for a total of $62J1�_Ynds are available for expenditure in Fiscal <br />