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INSURANCE NOT REQUIRED <br />WORK MAY PROCEED <br />CLERK OF COUNCIL <br />A-2019-009 <br />nArc, JAN 2 4 2010 <br />AGREEMENT FOR EXCHANGE OF REAL PROPERTY <br />s ��P' %) <br />N�df„U'. "� This Agreement for Exchange of Real Property ("Agreement') is entered as of the 15 day of <br />201/,gby and between the CITY OF SANTA ANA, a charter city and municipal <br />corporation duly organized under the Constitution and laws of the State of California ("City"), and <br />SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, a California corporation. The City and SCE are <br />hereinafter sometimes referred to collectively as the "Parties." <br />RECITALS <br />A. City owns certain real property commonly known as Orange County Assessor Parcel No. 405-262- <br />24, located at 911 N. Bristol Street in the City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, State of California, <br />as more particularly described and depicted in the Legal Description attached hereto as Exhibit A <br />and incorporated herein by reference ("City Property"). <br />B. SCE owns certain real property commonly known as Orange County Assessor Parcel No. 405-274- <br />11, located at 1217 N. Bristol Street in the City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, State of California, <br />as more particularly described and depicted in the Legal Description attached hereto as Exhibit B <br />and incorporated herein by reference ("SCE Property"). <br />C. The Parties desire by this Agreement to provide the teens and conditions for the exchange of fee <br />interests in the City Property and the SCE Property, together with all rights, easements and <br />appurtenances thereto. <br />AGREEMENT <br />THEREFORE, for and in consideration of their mutual promises, covenants and agreements, and subject <br />to the terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement, the Parties agree as follows: <br />1. Exchange of Real Property <br />1.1. Conveyance by City. City agrees to convey the City Property to SCE by Grant Deed, and <br />SCE agrees to accept the same from the City. <br />1.2. Conveyance by SCE. SCE agrees to convey the SCE Property to City by Grant Deed, and <br />City agrees to accept the same from SCE. <br />2. Consideration <br />2.1 Consideration. In full and complete payment for the exchange of fee interests in the City <br />Property and the SCE Property, City shall provide to SCE a signed grant deed for the City <br />Property in the form attached as Exhibit C, and SCE shall provide to City a signed grant deed <br />for the SCE Property in the form attached as Exhibit D. <br />3. Escrow <br />3.1 Escrow Agent. Within five (5) days from and after the execution of this Agreement by all <br />Parties, City agrees to open an escrow at the office of Commonwealth Title Company at 4100 <br />Page 1 of 15 <br />