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75E - PH 2525 MAIN ST
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
75E - PH 2525 MAIN ST
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2/1/2019 4:04:49 PM
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2/1/2019 3:58:07 PM
City Clerk
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EIR No. 2018-01, DA No. 2018-01, GPA No. 2018-06, <br />AA No. 2018-10 2525 North Main Street <br />February 5, 2019 <br />Page 22 <br />Table 12: Specific Development - Development Standards <br />Development Standard <br />Specific Development Section Y <br />Number of Units <br />Section 3 a <br />Unit Mix <br />Section 3 b <br />Parking <br />Section 10 <br />Design <br />North Building Elevation <br />Section 12 (b)(3) <br />Conclusion <br />Staff supports the conversion of the existing vacant office buildings to residential. If approved, <br />the project will provide additional housing in a prime location that is accessible to retail and <br />employment opportunities with multimodal transportation options. The project provides general <br />fund revenue as well as community benefits for the neighborhood and Santiago Park. The project <br />will also enhance the City's economic and fiscal viability through the increase in property tax <br />values as well as an increase in sales tax generated from the residents. <br />The Planning Commission recommended denial due the increase in traffic resulting from the <br />project, the massing and density of the project, the project's incompatibility with the surrounding <br />community, potential adverse effects of the project on the adjacent Park Santiago neighborhood, <br />the lack of community support for the development, potential long term impacts associated with <br />the proposed development, and concerns with potential parking intrusion on the adjacent <br />neighborhood. <br />STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT <br />Approval of this item supports the City's efforts to meet Goal #3 - Economic Development, <br />Objective #2 (create new opportunities for business/job growth and encourage private <br />development through new General Plan and Zoning Ordinance policies). <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />The proposed project would convert an office development into a residential development. A fiscal <br />and economic impact analysis was prepared by RSG, Inc. in 2017 analyzing the project, based <br />upon 517 units at the time (Exhibit 10). In brief, RSG anticipates the following fiscal outcomes: <br />• Approximately $33.5 million in revenue over 25 years ($19 million in 2017$) to the City's <br />General Fund (construction period revenues, recurring property tax revenue, utility user tax, <br />residential sales tax and business tax). Finance staff concurs with the estimates in the RSG <br />analysis. <br />• Approximately $10.0 million in expenditures over 25 years ($5.4 million in 2017$) from the <br />City General Fund (public services); which primarily include a per -capita amount for only the <br />variable costs of police and fire (only half of those budgets), as well as $2 per person for <br />parks and recreation. The analysis did not include the impact of the additional wear and <br />tear on the City's infrastructure, such as the increased use of the right of way. <br />75E-22 <br />
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