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City Council (2004 - Present)
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1. Has the city put together an overall strategy for improving safety, prevent homelessness, improve city <br />streets, improve essential city services from the funds provided by Measure X? <br />a. If so, where is this plan? <br />b. If not, when should we expect it? <br />c. If not, would it seem prudent to incorporate into that plan police officer raises at that time instead <br />of now? <br />2. What other items is the city looking to utilize Measure X funds for? <br />3. Is it wise to spend/commit future Measure X sales tax which we will not have come into the city until April <br />before we even know what the true financial impact will be? <br />4. Can we wait to approve this MOU until after a strategy for improving safety, prevent homelessness, and <br />provide for enhancements to essential city services are fully evaluated and a strategy is developed? <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />Comments: Again, I want our police officers to make more. They are a critical factor to the safety of our communities. I <br />want faster response times. I want more officers hired and helping our community. I want a safe community for our <br />officers to work in. I want experienced officers who know the community that they keep safe. I want them to receive <br />more money each year. I want the best for them and their families. I also want to make sure that we have a city that <br />can honor its commitments into the future. I feel that we need to analyze data and make good decisions. I feel that if a <br />city is insolvent and on its way to bankruptcy, which our city may be on that trajectory, this is bad for officers- now and <br />in the future. A broken promise is worse than a realistic promise. We need to analyze and project the fiscal impact of <br />decisions. We all know that our city is in a structural deficit before Measure X but I am concerned we do not know what <br />the financial picture looks like into the future, and not just in the next 2 and a half years but beyond that into 4 and 5 <br />and 10 years. I am also concerned that there may be additional needs that there may not be the necessary funding for <br />in the future. I am concerned that by analyzing only short term data through fiscal 20/21, that we may not have the <br />information to make good long term decisions especially considering the dire trajectory that has been discussed further <br />into the future. Being a CPA, the financial side of things may be more important to me than most, but regardless of <br />someone's background, it likely is an evaluating component for everyone. <br />Questions: There seem to be a number of financial questions which need to be answered including: <br />1. What is the impact of these raises if we actually fill all of the vacancies we need to actually improve safety <br />for our community instead of just those on the police force on March 31, 2018? <br />2. Why are we using hiring data as of March 31, 2018 (almost a year ago) for determining the financial impact <br />of these increases? <br />a. How does the data change if we utilize current data? <br />3. Is it wise to provide a retroactive raise when the last SAPOA raise was in January 2018, which is 6 -months <br />before the retroactive period? Is this standard for other cities to provide raises in 6 -month increments? With a <br />January 2019 raise, that will be double 6 -month raises. <br />4. What is the impact of these raises beyond the 3 year period illustrated in the staff report? <br />5. What is the impact of these raises on our long term pension liabilities- especially beyond the 20/21 period? <br />6. What is the impact of these increases on the city's overall structural deficit? <br />7. What does the city's long term deficit look like when incorporating the additional Measure X revenue, the <br />additional compensation to the police officers proposed, filling vacant police officer positions, and funding other <br />safety needs of the city mentioned in the Measure X ballot proposal along with normal budgetary items into the <br />future? Not just fiscal 20/21 but into the future beyond that. <br />a. If this analysis has not been done, when can it be done? <br />b. Can we wait to vote on the MOU until after the analysis is completed and discussed? <br />8. What is the impact of these increases once the Measure X sales tax decreases and expires? <br />9. Will overtime decrease with the hiring of more officers? Has that been incorporated into the analysis? <br />10. Is it wise to approve retroactive pay raises when our payroll system is so antiquated that it is a manual <br />process to calculate backpay and pension obligations instead of implementing move forward pay increases? <br />11. What are the other financial needs of the city to hit the goals of Measure X? <br />12. Should the Measure X citizens advisory committee be up and running prior to allocating Measure X funds? <br />12. Can we wait to approve this MOU until we have full and transparent financial information? <br />Conclusion <br />
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