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FULL PACKET_2019-04-02
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2019-04-02
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Last modified
3/29/2019 3:26:17 PM
Creation date
3/29/2019 3:24:09 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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City of Santa Ana <br />Guidelines for Legislative Positions <br />The Legislative Platform (Platform) is intended to provide a streamlined process through <br />which the City Council, City Manager, staff and the City's legislative advocates can act in a <br />timely manner in response to legislative proposals. The Platform also provides an <br />opportunity to identify specific priority areas of interest for the city and region that would <br />benefit the community. The Platform is adopted annually at the beginning of the legislative <br />year. The Platform is developed and maintained using legislative positions taken by the City <br />Council, input from the City Council and staff, research of current law and pending <br />legislation, and discussions with local legislative staff in consultation with the City's <br />legislative advocates. <br />State and federal legislation that is identified to be consistent with the Platform will allow <br />staff to circulate a letter outlining the city's position, which will include one of the following <br />positions: support, support if amended, neutral, or watch. Legislation inconsistent with the <br />Platform shall include one of the following positions: opposed, opposed unless amended, <br />neutral, or watch. <br />Legislation that is consistent with the Legislative Platform will be reviewed, approved and <br />signed by the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Manager. In addition, legislative positions that <br />are deemed time -sensitive and are consistent with the Legislative Platform may be signed <br />and approved by the City Manager. Once approved, the position letter will be sent to the <br />bill's author, the city's legislative advocate, and other stakeholders as deemed appropriate <br />by staff. A copy of the letter(s) will be distributed to the City Council. <br />Legislation that is inconsistent or silent in the City's Platform may be placed on an agenda <br />for consideration by the City Council. The City Manager may also provide a letter of concern <br />or interest without taking a formal position on a piece of legislation, upon concurrence for <br />Legislative Affairs, Ethics Transparency, and Communication Council Committee for the City <br />of Santa Ana. <br />65A-22 City of Santa Ana Legislative Scorecard 2018 4 <br />
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