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expense. Tenant shall indemnify and defend Landlord for all liens, claims, or damages caused by <br />remodeling, improvements, additions and alterations completed by Tenant. It shall be Tenant's <br />duty to keep the Premises free and clear of all liens, claims, and demands for work performed, <br />materials furnished, or operations conducted on the Premises at the request of Tenant. It is the <br />responsibility of the Landlord to correct or repair defects identified by Tenant upon notice from <br />the Tenant. Landlord agrees to perform any such correction or repair work within fifteen (15) <br />business days of receipt of notice from Tennant, unless otherwise agreed to In writing by both <br />parties. In the event Landlord fails to correct, repair or maintain defects as requested by Tenant, <br />Tenant, upon City's approval, may perform, directly or through a third -party, the necessary work <br />and deduct the costs associated from the next month's rent. Tenant retains the right to contract <br />with outside entities to perform such repair work In the event the Landlord is non-responsive or <br />cannot perform the repairs within fifteen (15) business days, unless otherwise agreed to in <br />writing by both parties. On surrendering possession of the Premises to Landlord at the expiration <br />or sooner termination of this Lease or any Extension Period, Tenant shall be required to return <br />the premises in the some condition upon commencement of lease except for normal wear and <br />tear. <br />Tenant may paint the interior of the Premises and may also paint, erect or authorize the installation <br />of "temporary signs" in accordance with a signage plan that is pre -approved by the Landlord. <br />Landlord shall not install or maintain or permit anyone other than Tenant to install or maintain, <br />any signs on any part of the Premises or within the air space above the Premises during the Term <br />or any Extension Period of this Lease. <br />12. MAINTENANCE: Landlord shall provide at its own cost and expense janitorial <br />services for the Premises. Janitorial supplies and services shall be provided on a five-day-per. <br />weekbasis in accordance with Exhibit C {JANITORIAL SPECIFICATIONS). <br />13. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: Tenant shall make and pay for nonstructural <br />improvements and alterations to comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and <br />ordinances of any and all applicable governmental entities (the "Governmental Laws") applying <br />to the physical condition of the Premises and the building located thereon and arising solely from <br />Tenant's conduct of business. <br />14. UTILITIES: Landlord agrees to pay for all utilities furnished to the Premises and <br />which are consumed by Tenant, during the Term and any Extension Period, including charges or <br />assessments for water, sewer, gas, heat, electricity, garbage disposal and trash disposal. <br />15. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATES: Landlord and Tenant shall, from time to time upon <br />thirty (30) days' request by the other (but not to exceed more than three (3) times in any given <br />calendar year), execute, acknowledge and deliver a statement, dated currently, certifying that this <br />Lease is unmodified and in full, force and effect (or, if there have been modifications, that this <br />Lease is in full effect as modified, and identifying such modifications) and the dates to which the <br />Rent have been paid, and that no default exists in the observance of this Lease and no event of <br />