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UNITED STATES LIABILITY INSURANCE GROUP <br />WAYNE, PENNSYLVANIA <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the Mlowing! <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LMBILM COVE ME FORM <br />Section 11 —Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an insured any person, entity or <br />orgativAtion, that is, <br />I. A kanchisor under a franchise agreement with the Named Insured as franchisee relating <br />to "your WOW,; or <br />2. A licenser under a license agreement with the Nained'hisured. as licensee relating to <br />"your work",, or <br />1 A co-owner with the Named Insured in premises used for "your work"; or <br />4. A majority owner with a controlling interest in the Named insured but only with respect <br />to liability arisingiont of such owner's (i) financi a I at operational control of the Named <br />Insured; or (11) w6qierstilp, mainteraince or use ofinerruses [eased or occupied by the <br />Nained Insured for purposes of "Your worW', or <br />5. A mortgagee, assignee or receiver of the Named Insured relating to "your work'; or <br />6. A less -or, or an agent of a lessor, under a lease agreement with the Named Insured its <br />lessee relating to "your work"; or <br />7. A grantor of a perniit to the Named hisuredas pernutee relating to "your We&',. <br />However, if the grainer of permit is a lbderal, state or local govermuent or political <br />subdivision, there is coverage under this endorsement only far liability arising frour <br />a. The existence, maintenance, rep*, construction, erection or removal of advertising <br />signs, awnings, canopies, cellar entrances, coal holes, driveways, manholes, <br />raaxquees; hoist away openings, sidowalk vaults, street batifters: or decorations and <br />similar exposures; or <br />b. 'rhecomtructiotierection err removal ofelevators; or <br />c, TlieoivnershipMaiDtOnanCCOTItSCOf,iiiyeleNatorscoveri2,dbytliigiiisurtuice,;or <br />B. A lessor of equipment loused to the Named insured relating to "your work", or <br />9. A contributor, benefactor, orsupporter Who provides financial assistance to the'lVamed <br />Insured in aminection With "your work'; <br />but only to tile extent the Named Insured is required to add such person, entity or <br />organization as -,in additional insured to this policy under a written contract, written permit or <br />written agreement relating to "your worV. <br />Such person, cinity or organization is an insured only with respect to liability for "bodily <br />injury", "property damage" or "personal and advertising injury" that is caused, in whole or in <br />part by your acts or omissions or the acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf ill <br />connection with "your woff'while such written contract, written permit or written <br />agreement is in oftect, <br />L 744 NPP (06- 10) Page t of 2 <br />