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EXHIBIT 3 <br />covenants in order to reduce repetition and redundancy between local, state and federal <br />requirements. <br />11.2 Qualification as Affordable Housing. As more particularly provided in <br />the Affordability Restrictions on Transfer of Property, Developer shall use, manage and <br />operate the Property in accordance with the requirements of California Health and Safety <br />Code section 50052.5 and the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee so as to <br />qualify the housing on the Property as Affordable Housing with affordable rents. <br />11.3 Tenant Protection and Selection. Developer shall comply with the same <br />Tenant Protection and Selection requirements as the federal HOME Investment <br />Partnerships Program at 24 CFR 92.253. <br />11.4 Local Preference. Local preference for Santa Ana residents and workers in <br />tenant selection shall be a requirement of the Project. Subject to applicable laws and <br />regulations governing nondiscrimination and preferences in housing occupancy required <br />by HUD or the State of California, as well as the City of Santa Ana Affordable Housing <br />Funds Policies and Procedures, the Developer shall give preference in leasing units in the <br />following order of priority: <br />1. First priority shall be given to persons who have been permanently displaced or <br />face permanent displacement from housing in Santa Ana as a result of any of the <br />following: <br />a. A redevelopment project undertaken pursuant to California's Community <br />Redevelopment Law (Health & Safety Code Sections 33000, et seq.) -- <br />applicable only to projects funded by the Low and Moderate Income <br />Housing Asset Fund. <br />b. Ellis Act, owner -occupancy, or removal permit eviction; <br />c. Earthquake, fire, flood, or other natural disaster; <br />d. Cancellation of a Housing Choice Voucher HAP Contract by property <br />owner; or <br />e. Governmental Action, such as Code Enforcement. <br />2. Second priority shall be given to persons who are either: <br />a. Residents of Santa Ana and/or <br />b. Working in Santa Ana at least 32 hours per week for at least the last 6 <br />months. <br />11.5 Handicapped Accessibility. Developer shall comply with (a) Section 504 <br />of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and implementing regulations at 24 CFR 8C; and (b) <br />23 <br />3-33 <br />