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INSURANCE CdaC ON FILE <br />A-2019-060 <br />WORK MAY ITT PROCEED <br />CLERK Of COUNCIL <br />DATE: FIRST AMENDMENT TO GRANT AGREEMENT FOR ACQUISITION AND <br />MAY c S 2019 REHABILITATION OF A SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE <br />"Caa,(fe tv>4 z (HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS) <br />(24 CFR Part 574) <br />THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT is made and entered into this <br />day of May, 2019, by and between Straight Talk Clinic, Inc., a 501(c)(3) corporation, DUNS <br />4096097514 ("Project Sponsor"), and the City of Santa Ana, a charter city and municipal <br />corporation, organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State of California <br />("City„) — _ <br />RECITALS <br />A. The City and Project Sponsor entered into a Grant Agreement (Housing <br />Opportunities for Persons with AIDS), No. A-2015-051, dated April 7, 2015, for <br />the acquisition and rehabilitation of real property located at 1677 West Ord Way, <br />Anaheim, California, which is operated as "Kairo's House" ("Agreement"). <br />B. Thereafter, the City, pursuant to Project Sponsor's request, executed a letter <br />agreement dated October 29, 2015, extending the schedule to allow additional <br />time for Project Sponsor to complete the rehabilitation under said Agreement. <br />C. In accordance with the terms and conditions of said Agreement, the Parties wish <br />to amend said Agreement to expand the Use of Grant section to include additional <br />rehabilitation at Kairo's House, and increase the total grant amount under said <br />Agreement. <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual and respective promises, and subject to the <br />terms and conditions of said Agreement, except as herein modified, the parties agree as follows: <br />1. Section 1, USE OF GRANT [24 CFR 574.300(b)(3)], shall be amended to add <br />additional rehabilitation work for Kairo's House. The specific list of <br />rehabilitation projects for Kairo's House is attached herewith as Exhibit A and <br />incorporated herein by reference. Additionally, the Schedule for the new <br />rehabilitation work shall be extended to August 31, 2019. The extension of the <br />rehabilitation work Schedule does not affect the overall 10-year Term provided <br />for in sections 3 and 14 of said Agreement. <br />2. Said Agreement shall be amended to increase the total amount of the Grant by an <br />additional $20,727.99, such that the total amount of the Grant under said <br />Agreement shall not exceed $740,727,99 during the tern of said Agreement. <br />Project Sponsor shall cover any costs related to the rehabilitation work that <br />exceed the amount of new Grant funding. <br />3. Except as hereinabove modified, all terns and conditions of said Agreement shall <br />remain in full force and effect. <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />