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(ii) Notwithstanding the foregoing, each calendar month during the Term, Landlord shall provide to <br />Tenant, without charge: (A) a number ol'Short Term Project Parking Validations (defined below) equal to the product of twenty (20) and the number <br />of days in such calendar month (during the Term) and (B) a number or Long Term Project Parking Validations (defined below) equal to the product <br />of sixty (60) and the number of days in such calendar month (during the Term), in each case to be used only by Tenant's Business Customers for <br />parking in the Parking Facilities without charge; provided that Landlord shall have the right to reasonably adjust the number of Shot Term Project <br />Parking Validations and Lou Term Project Parking Validations so provided by Landlord (based on actual usage) effective as of expiration of file third <br />(P) full calendar month of the Initial 'fern, and ill ereafler, upon expiration of eseh subsequent three (3) calendar month period; provided further <br />that: (x) Landlord shall not, at any time during the Term, be required under this Section 2.3.2(c)(ii) to provide a number of Project Parking <br />Validations in any calendar month in excess of a number equal to the product oreighty, (80) and the number of days in such calendar truth (during <br />the Term) and (y) any Project ParkingValidations provided by Landlord with respect to any particular calendar month that are not used during such <br />calendar month shall, at the election of Landlord, either: (1) become null and void (and be returned to Landlord) or (2) be credited against <br />Landlord's obligations to provide Project Parking Validations under this Section 2.3.2(c)(ii) for subsequent calendar months, No Project Parking <br />Validations provided by Landlord to Tenant under this Section 2.3,2(c)(ii) shall be used to accommodate parking, without charge, by any particular <br />Tenant's Business Cuslomer(s), for a period in excess of three (3) hours on any day without Landlord's prior approval (and Tenant shall not provide <br />any pnrticular Tenant's Business Customer more than one Project Parking Validation on any particular day). "Short Term Project Parking <br />Validations" means Project Parking Validations permitting Persons using such Project Parking Validations to park in the Parking Facilities for up to <br />thirty (30) minutes without charge. "Long Term Project Parking Validations" means Project Parking Validations permitting Persons using such <br />Project Parking Validations to park in the Parking Facilities for up to three (3) hours without charge. <br />2.4 &M. <br />2.4.1 Except to the extent expressly provided in this Section 2.4 Tenant shall not: (a) place or install (or allow or permit to <br />be placed or installed by any Tenant Party) any signs, advertisements, logos, identifying materials, pictures or names of any type on the roof, exterior <br />areas or Common Areas of the Building or the Project or in any area of Tile Building, Premises or Project which is visible Gam the exterior of the <br />Building or outside of the Premises or (b) place or install (or allow or permit to be placed or installed by any Tenant Party) in or about any portion or <br />the Premises any window covering (even if behind Building standard window coverings) or any otter mnterial visible from outside of the Premises o- <br />from tlhe exterior of the Building, Tenant shall not, widhoul the prior written consent of Landlord, use the name of the Building and/or the Project, or <br />any pictures or illustrations of the Building and/or the Project, in Tenant's advertising or in any other publicity. <br />2.4.2 Subject to compliance with applicable Laws and such Building signage criteria as Landlord shall apply from time to <br />time, and subject to receipt of Landlord's prior written consent: (a) in the case where Tenant occupies an entire floor in die Building, Tenant may <br />place in any portion of such floor which is not visible from the exterior of the Building such identification signage as Tenant shall desire and (b) in <br />the case where Tenant occupies less than an entire floor in the Building, Tenant may require Landlord to install, at Landlord's sole cost and expense, <br />in such portion of the multi -tenant corridor on such floor ns is called for by Landlord's signage program (as the same rally exist from Lillie to time) <br />identification signage of the type prescribed by Landlord's signage program identifying Tenant; (c) Landlord shall provide customary signage in tie <br />Building directory (if any) in the ground floor lobby of the Building (Landlord shall bear the initial cost of such directory signage and the cost of <br />updated any such directory signage no more than one in any month); and (d) Tenant may place in any portion of the inside of the Premises not visible <br />from (he exterior of the Building or from outside of the Premises such identification signage as Tenant shall desire. All signage described in this <br />Section 2 .4.2 (other than the directory signage described In clause (c) above) shell be treated as Tenant's personal property under the provisions of <br />Section 10.5 with respect to'renunt's obligation of the expiration or early termination of this Lease. <br />2.4.3 Eyebrow Sign. [a connection with Temmt's lease of the Premises, subject to all of the terms and conditions of Exhibit <br />".K" attached hereto, during the Term, Tenant shall have the right to install and display at the Project the Eyebrow Sign (defined in Exhibit "'K", <br />attached hereto) in the location described in Exhibit "K", attached hereto. <br />ARTICLE. 3—DELIVERY• CON-IMENCEN1 ENT: TERN% SURRENDER: HOLDING OVER <br />3.1 Delivery, Landlord shall endeavor to tender to Tenant delivery or possession of the Premises in the Delivery Condition prior to <br />the Target Delivery Dale; provided, that if the Delivery Date does not occur on or before the Target Delivery Date, this Lease shall not be void or <br />voidable, the 'Perm of this Lease shall not be extended, and Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant lot' any loss or damage resulting therefrom; <br />provided further that Landlord shall use Commercially reasonntic efforts to tender to Tenant delivery of possession of the Premises in the Delivery <br />Condition as soon as reasonably possibly alter the Target Delivery Date, <br />3,2 Commencement: Term. <br />3.2.1 The Term shull continence on the Commencement Date as defined in ftent 3,2 of the Basic Lease Provisions, and shall <br />continue through the period specified in i e n 3.3 of the Basic Lcase Provisions unless terminated easier in accordance with the provisions hereof or <br />extended pursuant to the written agreenhent of Landlord and ']'client or as provided in Section 3.2.2 below, provided, however, that if the <br />Commencement Date shall occur on a day other than the first tiny orally colenclar mouth, for purposes orealeulating the Expiration Date and the <br />liming of all scheduled increases In Base Rent during the hhiflal'ferm (but not liar any other purpose), the Commencement Date shalt be deemed to be <br />the first day orlhe calendar month following the Commencement Dale. At any time during the Lease Term, Landlord may deliver to Tenant a notice <br />in the form as set in Exhibit "B' attached hereto. which Tenant shall oxwute and return to Landlord within five (5) business days of receipt thercur. <br />3.2.2 Extension Option. 'tenant shall have two (2) options to extend the Tenn, each for all Extension Term (def led below) <br />ofsl.xty (60) months (five (5) years) subject to and in accordance with the terns and conditions of Schcclule "YI"of Exhibit `I", atached hereto. <br />3.3 Surrender; floldine Over. <br />3.3.1 Except cis provided in this Suction 3.3 and in Section 7.3 below, upon expiration or earlier termination of this Leasc. <br />Tenant shall vacate and surrender the Premises to Landlord in the sane condition as when received at the inception or this Lease and as thereafter <br />801 4!'Ciria Center Dr —Clip n/'ShnteiAnn Lease .e- <br />