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EXIIIBIT "C" <br />WORK LETTER <br />THIS WORK LETTER (this "Work Letter") is attached as Exhibit C to that certain Office Lease (the "Lease") by and between CF <br />SANTANA, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Landlord") and THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, a Municipal corporation. ("Tenant"), <br />This Work Letter sets thrill file terns, covenants and conditions relating to the construction and installation attic Tenant Improvements in the initial <br />Premises. All capitalized terms used herein not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings attributed to such terms in the Lease. <br />1.1 Landlord's Architect and the Engineers. Landlord shall engage (a) Fraser McLellan or another qualified interior architect <br />selected by Landlord ("Landlord's Architect") to prepare the Construction Drawings (defined below) for the Premises based upon the Final Space <br />Plan (defined below) and (b) engineering consultants selected by Landlord (the "Engineers") to prepare all engineering plans and drawings fertile <br />structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, life safety, and sprinkler work relating to the Tenant Improvements for the Premises. <br />1.2 Final Space Plan; Space Planning Allowance. A copy of the final space plan (and pricing plan) for all Tenant Improvements in <br />the Initial Premises ("Final Space Plan") is attached hereto as Schedule Landlord Landlord shall bear all costs and expenses in connection with the <br />preparation of the Final Space Plan ("Space Planning Costs in an amount equal to SZ898.15 (i.e., $0.15 per RSF In the Initial Remises). Any <br />Space Planning Costs in excess of $2,898,15 shall be "Tenant improvement Costs" and shall be deducted from the Allowance Amount, <br />1.3 Final Working Drowtaes. Based upon the Final Space Plan, Landlord shall cause the Architect au[ the Engineers to complete <br />and deliver to Tenant for Tenant's reasonable approval two (2) copies of complete filly coordinated architectural and (to the extent required) <br />structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing working drawings and specifications for the Tenant Improvements in a form which is sufficiently <br />complete to allow all subcontractors to bid on die work shawl therein and to obtain all applicable Permits therefor, if any (defined below) <br />(collectively, the "Final Working Drawings"). Tenant shall, within five (5) business days after Tenant receives the Final Working Drawings, either: <br />(a) approve the Final Working Drawings, or (b) disapprove die Final Working Drawings Plan because a Design Problem exists and return tine same to <br />Landlord showing revisions required to eliminate such Design Problem (or Design Problems), If Tenant fails to notify Landlord within five (5) <br />business clays after its receipt of the Final Working Drawings that it approves or disapproves the Sallie, Tenant shall be deemed to have approved the <br />Final Working Drawings. A "Design Problem" means and shall exist only if the Final Working Drawings are not consistent with the Final Space <br />Plan. If Tenant disapproves the Final Working Drawings because they contain one or more Design Problems, then Landlord shall cause Landlord's <br />Architect to make the requested changes thereto to the extent required to eliminate such Design Problems and shall resubmit to Tenant such revised <br />Final Working Drawings, with the foregoing procedure to be repeated until the Final Working Drawings for the Premises are ultimately approved (or <br />deemed approved) by Tenant (as so approved, the "Approved Working Drawings"), The Approved Working Drawings, as moditied by any <br />Changes (defined below) approved by Landlord, and all parts or components thereof are somednnes re Feared to herein as the "Construction <br />Drawings". <br />1.4 Changes in the Final Space Plan and improved Working Drawings. No Changes (defined below) may be made by Tenant <br />without the prior written consent of Landlord (in accordance with Section 1.5.1, below); provided, however, that Landlord may withhold its consent <br />in its sole and absolute discretion to any Change which ip Landlord's judgment are unreasonable or would directly or indirectly delay Substantial <br />Completion (defined below). Tenant acknowledges and agrees that Tenant slid]] bear the cost of any Changes that are requested by Tenant, <br />"Changes" means, collectively; (a) any changes, modifications or alterations in either the Final Space Plan or the Approved Working Drawings or in <br />the Tenant Improvements Par the Premises contemplated thereby or (b) any modifications or alterations to the Final Working Drawings requested by <br />Tenant in accordance with Section 1.3, above (or otherwise), other than any such changes, modifications or alterations that are required in order to <br />eliminate a Design Problem. <br />1.5 Landlord's Review, <br />1.5.1 Any approval or consent of Landlord hereunder with respect to any portion or component of the Construction Drawings <br />or the Tenant Improvements shall be granted or withheld on the basis of such standards as Landlord shall establish in good ilaith from time to time. <br />Landlord has established (or may establish in the figure) Building Standards for tine components to be used in the construction of the Tenant <br />Improvements in the Premises ("Building Standards"). The quality of all Tenant Improvements shall be equal to or of greater quality than the <br />quality specillcalions of the Building Standards; provided, however that Landlord may; at Landlord's option, require the Tenant Improvements to <br />comply with specific Building Standards. Landlord reserves the right to promulgate, establish, modify, delete from, anal make other changes to tine <br />Building Standards I1o111 time to time. <br />1.5.2 Landlord's review of any matters (including, without limitation, any requested Changes), as set Ibrih in this Wok <br />Letter, shall he solely for the p upose of protecting Landlord's interests hereunder, and shall not imply Landlord's review or the same, or obligate <br />Landlord to review the same, Ibr quality, design, Code compliance or culler like matters, fir the boaeR of Tenant or any other party, and Landlord <br />shall not be responsible tiv any emissions orerrors contained in any such items. <br />SECTION 2 <br />COST OF THE TENANT IMPROVEMENTS <br />2.1 Allocation of Costs• Allowance Amount; Tenant Improvement Costs. <br />2.1.1 Subject to the provisions of this Work letter. Landlord hereby grouts Terumt lift tile ']'count Improvement Costs <br />(defined below) an amount (the "Allovmrce Amount") equal to $772.840.0li (i.e.. $40,00 per RS'F In the Initial Premises). Tonmat shall bear all <br />,s01 WCMe Cenmr Dr—Cffp li/ Sate it an Louse I Exhibit C <br />