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SECTION 3 <br />CONSTRUCTION: DELIVERY OF PREMISES• SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION• PUNC14 LIST ITEMS <br />3.1 Permits. Landlord will cause Landlord's Architect and this Engineers to submit the Approved Working Drawings to the <br />appropriate governmental entities and otherwise apply for all applicable building and other permits and approvals (collectively, "Permits") (if any) <br />necessary or required (in Landlord's good faith discretion) for the Contractor to commence, perform and fully complete the construction of the <br />Tenant Improvements. Neither Landlord nor any Landlord Party shall have any obligation or liability to Tenant if any Permit (including, without <br />limitation, any building permit, certificate of occupancy, or equivalent) is not timely orotherwise issued. <br />3.2 Landlord's Select ioil and Retention of the Contractot, <br />3.2.1 Landlord shall submit the Construction Drawings for the Premises on a fixed contract amount (or GMAX) basis to a <br />general contractor selected by Landlord (the "Contractor"), which Contractor shall be independently retained by Landlord (pursuant to such <br />construction contract form as Landlord shall in good faith determine) to construct the Tenant Improvements in accordance with the Construction <br />Drawings. Landlord reserves the right to designate file subcontractor or subcontractors to perform particular trades (or components no the Tenant <br />Improvements such as fire/life safety, HVAC, structural and electrical work. <br />3.2.2 Landlord reserves the absolute right, without the need for consultation with or the consent of Tenant, to terminate ilia <br />Contractor for nonperformance (as determined in good faith by Landlord) and in such case Landlord may select another general contractor to <br />complete the Tenant Improvements. Notwithstanding any provision of this Work Letter to the contrary, 'tenant hereby waives all claims against <br />Landlord, and Landlord shall have no responsibility or liability to Tenant, on account of any nonperformance or any misconduct orally Contractor <br />(or any subcontractor thereof) for any reason. <br />3,2.3 If the Tenant Improvements shall constitute "public works: pursuantto Labor Code § 1720.2, the following shall apply: <br />(a) Landlord shall require the Contractor to comply with (and to cause its subcontractors to comply wide) <br />prevailing wage requirements and be subJect to restrictions and penalties in accordance with §1770 at seq. of the Labor Code which requires <br />prevailing wages be paid to appropriate work classifications in all bid specifications and subcontracts. <br />(h) Landlord shall require the Contractor to furnish all subcontractors/employees a copy of the Department or <br />Industrial Relations prevailing wage rates which Lessor will post at ilia Job site. For further information on prevailing wage: <br />htto://www.dir cat ggv/disr/statistics research html <br />(c) Landlord shall require the Contractor to comply with (and to cause its subcontractors to comply with) the <br />payroll record keeping and availability requirement of § 1776 of the Labor Code. <br />(d) Landlord shall require the Contractor to (and to cause its subcontractors to Lessor/conbroctor to) snake travel <br />and subsistence payments to workers needed for performance of work in accordance with the Labor Code. <br />(e) Prior to commencement of work, Landlord shall require the Contractor to contact the Division of <br />Apprenticeship Semdads slid comply with § 1777.5, §1777.6, and § 1777.7 of the Labor Code and Applicable Regulations. <br />3.3 Delivery of Premises: Substantial Completion• Punch List Items. <br />3.3.1 Delivery of Premises. Landlord shall deliver [he Premises to 'fallout upon Substantial Completion of the Tenant <br />Improvements. Subject to Landlord's obligations under [his Work Letter (including Landlord's obligations to perfomr (or cause to be performed) [he <br />Landlord's Work and to construct (or cause to be consuiicted) the Tenant improvements in accordance with the Construction Drawings) and to all of <br />Landlord's other express obligations under the Lease (including, under Section 2.1 of the Lease), Landlord shall have no duty or obligation to <br />improve, or pay for any improvement for, the Premises or any portion thereof- and Tenant shall accept the same in its Tenant shall accept the <br />Premises in its then existing condition on the Delivery Date, "AS -IS", "WITH ALL FAULTS". <br />3.3.2 Stilislantial Com iletion, For purposes of this Lease, "Substantial Completion" shall occur upon (and the Premises <br />shall be "Subs(antially Complete" upon) the substantial completion orconstmction ofthe Tenant Improvements pursuant to the Approved Working <br />Drawings, as evidenced by a "signor'' on the building permit card by tan inspector of the applicable governmental authority (typically the city in . <br />which the Building is located), with the exception of any Punch List Items (defined below) and any tenant fixtures, work -stations, built-in furniture, <br />or equipment to be installed by Tenant or under [he supervision of Contractor. <br />3.3.3 Unch List Items. Allen• the Substantial Completion by Landlord of the Tempt Improvements. mpresentntives of <br />Landlord, 'tenant land the Contractor shall completely inspect [die Premises and complete a list (the "Punch List") of all Punch List hems (defined <br />below). Authorized represcnmtivcs of Landlord. Tenant and the Contractor shall execute said Punch List to indicate their approval thereof Landlord <br />shall cause the Contractor to complete all Punch List Items described oil the Paich List as soon as reasonably possible following the approval orsuch <br />Punch List, As used herein, "Parch List Items" trans all items of construction which entail one or more details of construction, decoration. <br />mechanical adjustment or installation that do not materially and adversely affect the use and occupancy of oily portion of Ore premises for the nornnal <br />conduct of'Penn ll's business. <br />801 ircinie Center Dr.- Oly of.SantflAna Lease 3 13ah ill itC <br />