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a) Height: The site plan has been designed to cluster the <br />buildings and place the buildings further away from the <br />existing residential uses with a 45-foot minimum rear setback <br />and 28-foot minimum side setbacks to preserve privacy. In <br />addition, the size and number of windows on the third -story <br />have been limited. Additionally, a condition of approval is <br />included to plant and maintain trees and shrubs along the rear <br />and side property lines to screen views of the property and <br />provide additional privacy. The variance will be similar to the <br />variance granted for the nearby Avenue E project at 2823- <br />2931 West Edinger Avenue <br />b) Front Yard: The reduction of ten feet in the required yard <br />will not be detrimental to the public as the 10-foot yard will <br />be planted with trees and shrubs and improved with <br />pedestrian walkways. The variance will be similar to the <br />variance granted for the Avenue E project at 2823-2931 <br />West Edinger Avenue. <br />c) Open Space: Granting the variance to allow balconies on <br />upper levels to be counted towards the private open space <br />requirements will not be detrimental to the public. The <br />balconies and patios provide for articulation in the building <br />design and are primarily along the interior courtyard. There <br />will still be ample open space on site that will be improved <br />with amenities for the residents. <br />d) Access: The interior floor plan of the units will not be <br />detrimental to the public or surrounding properties. The <br />variance allows for flexibility in the floor plan design and are <br />not be visible to the public. The variance will be similar to the <br />variance granted for the Avenue E project at 2823-2931 <br />West Edinger Avenue <br />4. That the granting of a variance will not adversely affect the General <br />Plan of the city. <br />The project will support several goals and policies of the <br />General Plan, including the Land Use Element and Housing <br />Element. In specific, General Plan Land Use Element, Goal 1 <br />to promote a balance of land uses to address basic community <br />needs. Specifically, Policy 1.5 to maintain and foster a <br />variety of residential land uses. The project will provide 18 <br />for -sale townhome units. Policy 2.10 to support new <br />development which is harmonious in scale and character <br />with existing development in the area. The project is similar <br />in scale and character to the multi -family uses to the east <br />Resolution No. 2019-xx <br />Page 4 of 8 <br />75H-49 <br />