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F. The documents related to the Mitigated Negative Declaration were made <br />available for a 20-day public review and comment period at the Santa Ana <br />City Hall, the Main Library, and on the project webpage on the City's <br />website. <br />G. The mitigation measure set forth in the Mitigated Negative Declaration is <br />fully enforceable and will be implemented using the Mitigation Monitoring <br />and Reporting Program attached hereto as Exhibit A, and incorporated <br />herein by reference. <br />H. On May 13, 2019, the Planning Commission of the City of Santa Ana held a <br />duly noticed public hearing and voted to recommend that the City Council <br />approve a resolution to adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration, Environmental <br />Review No. 2015-14 and adopt the related Mitigation Monitoring and <br />Reporting Program for the project. <br />I. On June 4, 2019, the City Council of the City of Santa Ana held a duly <br />noticed public hearing to consider all testimony, written and oral, related to <br />Mitigated Negative Declaration, Environmental Review No. 2015-14, and the <br />related Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the project, at which <br />time all persons wishing to testify were heard, the project was fully <br />considered, and all other legal prerequisites to the adoption of this <br />Resolution occurred. <br />Section 2. The City Council has independently reviewed and analyzed the <br />information contained in the Initial Study and the Mitigated Negative Declaration, <br />Environmental Review No. 2015-14, prepared with respect to this project. The City <br />Council has, as a result of its consideration and the evidence presented at the hearings <br />on this matter, determined that, as required pursuant to the California Environmental <br />Quality Act and the State CEQA Guidelines, the MND adequately addresses the <br />expected environmental impacts of this project. On the basis of this review, the City <br />Council finds that there is no substantial evidence from which it can be fairly argued that <br />the project will have a significant adverse effect on the environment. The MND reflects <br />the City Council's independent judgment and analysis. <br />Section 3. The City Council hereby adopts and approves the MND and adopts <br />the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and directs that the Notice of <br />Determination be prepared and filed with the County Clerk of the County of Orange in <br />the manner required by law. This decision is based upon the evidence submitted at the <br />above said hearing, which includes, but is not limited to: the Request for Council Action <br />dated June 4, 2019, and exhibits attached hereto; and the public testimony, written and <br />oral, all of which are incorporated herein by this reference. <br />Section 4. Pursuant to Title XIV, California Code of Regulations (CCR) § <br />735.5(c)(1), the City Council has determined that, after considering the record as a <br />whole, there is no evidence that the proposed project will have the potential for any <br />significant adverse effect on wildlife resources or the ecological habitat upon which <br />wildlife resources depend. The proposed project exists in an urban environment <br />characterized by paved concrete, roadways, surrounding buildings and human activity. <br />However, pursuant to Fish and Game Code § 711.2 and Title XIV, CCR § 735.5, the <br />75H-66 <br />