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Local Guidelines for Implementing the <br />California Environmental Quality Act (2019) ACTIVITIES EXEMPT FROM CEQA <br /> <br />Class 24: Regulation of Working Conditions. Actions taken by the City to regulate <br />employee wages, hours of work or working conditions where there will be no demonstrable <br />physical changes outside the place of work. (State CEQA Guidelines Section 15324.) <br />Class 25: Transfers of Ownership of Interest in Land to Preserve Existing Natural <br />Conditions and Historical Resources. Transfers of ownership of interest in land in order to <br />preserve open space, habitat, or historical resources. Examples include, but are not limited to, <br />acquisition, sale, or other transfer of areas to: preserve existing natural conditions, including <br />plant or animal habitats; allow continued agricultural use of the areas; allow restoration of <br />natural conditions; preserve open space or lands for natural park purposes; or prevent <br />encroachment of development into floodplains. This exemption does not apply to the <br />development of parks or park uses. (State CEQA Guidelines Section 15325.) <br />Class 26: Acquisition of Housing for Housing Assistance Programs. Actions by a <br />redevelopment agency, housing authority or other public agency to implement an adopted <br />Housing Assistance Plan by acquiring an interest in housing units, provided the housing units are <br />either in existence or possessing all required permits for construction when the agency makes its <br />final decision to acquire the units. (State CEQA Guidelines Section 15326.) <br />Class 27: Leasing New Facilities. Leasing of a newly constructed or previously <br />unoccupied privately owned facility by a local or state agency when the City determines that the <br />proposed use of the facility: <br />(a) Conforms with existing state plans and policies and with general, community, and <br />specific plans for which an EIR or Negative Declaration has been prepared; <br />(b) Is substantially the same as that originally proposed at the time the building <br />permit was issued; <br />(c) Does not result in a traffic increase of greater than 10% of front access road <br />capacity; and <br />(d) Includes the provision of adequate employee and visitor parking facilities. <br />(State CEQA Guidelines Section 15327.) <br />Class 28: Small Hydroelectric Projects as Existing Facilities. Installation of certain <br />small hydroelectric-generating facilities in connection with existing dams, canals and pipelines, <br />subject to the conditions in State CEQA Guidelines Section 15328. (State CEQA Guidelines <br />Section 15328.) <br />Class 29: Cogeneration Projects at Existing Facilities. Installation of cogeneration <br />equipment with a capacity of 50 megawatts or less at existing facilities meeting certain <br />conditions listed in State CEQA Guidelines Section 15329. (State CEQA Guidelines Section <br />15329.) <br />Class 30: Minor Actions to Prevent, Minimize, Stabilize, Mitigate or Eliminate the <br />Release or Threat of Release of Hazardous Waste or Hazardous Substances. Any minor cleanup <br />actions taken to prevent, minimize, stabilize, mitigate, or eliminate the release or threat of release <br />of a hazardous waste or substance which are small or medium removal actions costing $1 million <br />or less. (State CEQA Guidelines Section 15330.) <br /> <br />2019 City of Santa Ana Local Guidelines 3-24 ©Best Best & Krieger LLP <br /> <br />