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HDI GLOBAL INSURANCE COMPANY <br />MANUSCRIPT ENDORSEMENT# 32 <br />Policy Number <br />CLD11101-10 <br />Perlod: <br />Insured, <br />Named Insured <br />SIEMENS CORPORATION <br />10-01-2018 10r01.2019 <br />This 9ndorsernentPharrge.4 The Polloy. Please Roasllt Pareftrlly„ <br />• .i N IJ kk XI UM12104 IS <br />Thlg.endorsemanttnodiflea Ineurarice provided undorihe following: <br />Time of Endorsement <br />10-01.2018 12r01 a.m. Standard Time <br />ai.Addross of the <br />C.omrnercial Geneval Liability Coverage Form <br />Who is an'insurod is amended to include as an additional Insured any person whom you are required to add as an <br />additional insured on this policy under a wrltton agreement, but only.with respect to Ilobihty For "bodily injury.", "property <br />damayye'l',or "personal and advertising. Injury' caused, in whole or in part, by: 1. Your omissions; or 2. The acts <br />or omisslo.ns of those'Acting on your behalf, The Insurance coverage provided to such additionahrisurod applies only <br />to the extent required Wthln.tho written agreoment.. <br />The insurance coverage provided to the additlonal Insured parson shall not provide gny broader coverage than you are <br />required to provide to the additional Insured person in the written IgreeMont and shall not proVido limits of insurance that <br />exceed the lower of the Limits of Insurance provided to you in this policy, or the limitq of are, required to <br />pro.Vldo in the written ograoMenf. <br />The insutapce provided to the additional insured by this endorsement is excess over any validand golloatilile other <br />insurance, whoth,er primary, excess, cc'ntingent, or on anyotherbasis, that Is,ovailable to the additlonalinsui"ddfor a loss <br />ode cover underthis endorsement However, if the written agreement specifically requires that this Insurance apply on a <br />primary basis, this 1psurance is primary, If the writto.ri agreement specifically re'qunroe this insurance' apply on a primary <br />and non-oaritributory basis this insurance is primalyto other, insurance eyallabie to the additional Insured and wA Will not <br />share 'with that other insurance provided that the additional insured is a Named Insured under•such other insurance, <br />This endorsomentshall prevall over additional Insured endorsements that may apply tinder this policy unless required <br />othorwlse 16 the written agreement. <br />eg <br />Authorized Representative <br />.All terms and conditions of the policy remain unchanged. <br />THIS ENDORSEMENTMUST SE ATTACHED TO A CHANCE ENDOR6EMENT WHEN ISSUED AFTER THE POLICY <br />IS WRIT.TEN. <br />page ., <br />EUNICE "'.. AI— bQF <br />