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EXHIBIT 1 <br />Report on Effectiveness of Housing Opportunity Ordinance and Council Options <br />December 4, 2018 <br />Page 5 <br />N. Applicability of the Ordinance - <br />a. General Plan Update Completion. - <br />The current ordinance only applies to projects when the number of units exceeds the <br />densities permitted under the General Plan. As a result, there are various projects that do <br />not trigger the Ordinance. Specifically, this does not allow thel City to require incluslonary <br />housing for residential projects in residential zones. It is anticipated that with the adoption <br />of the new General Plan, all housing projects will be In residen tal zones. Generally, since <br />the adoption of the Ordinance more affordable housing units would have been created If all <br />of the projects had been required to build on -site. Therefore, I agarding the applicability of <br />the Ordinance, staff will study the following policy optio s for future City Council <br />consideration: <br />1) No change, recognizing that revenues and housing u its will decrease once the <br />General Plan Is update completed. <br />2) Modify the ordinance to apply to all housing projects. <br />b. Adaptive Reuse. <br />The current Ordinance requires adaptive reuse projects t . provide onsite affordable <br />housing or pay an in -lieu fee. Simultaneously, the City s Adaptive Reuse Ordinance allows <br />developers to convert vacant or underused existing office l or commercial space to <br />residential uses. Certain Incentives are provided to encourage the provision of housing in <br />this way. Therefore, regarding the applicability of the Ordinance, staff will study the <br />following policy options for future City Council consideration: <br />1) No change. <br />2) Create a reduced requirement for adaptive reuse project i. <br />3) Eliminate the applicability of the Ordinance on adaptive reuse projects. <br />c. Non -Residential Uses - <br />The current Ordinance only applies to residential proje s. Some cities require <br />inclusionary housing fees for non-residential projects. Therefore, regarding the <br />applicability of the Ordinance, staff will study the following p ]icy options for future City <br />Council consideration: <br />1) No change. <br />2) Modify the Ordinance to create an inclusionary housing f Be for non-residential uses. <br />V- Percent Set -Aside for On -Site Units: <br />The current Ordinance allows developers the option to develop 100/8 units on -site for very low- <br />income families or 15% units on -site for low-income families. If only the higher threshold of 15% <br />is applied, the City will receive more affordable housing units an the 10% alternative. <br />Therefore, regarding the percentage of units to be built on -site, staff V1 ill study the following policy <br />options for future City Council consideration: <br />1) No change. <br />2) Modify to allow a reduced percent set -aside for very low-inco �e as well as other housing <br />including Special Needs Housing or housing types that meet o r Regional Housing Needs <br />Assessment requirements. <br />65B-7 <br />