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2019-20 Orange County Children's Therapeutic Arts Center <br />Youth Employment Program - WIOA Proposal <br />1. Experience/Qualifications (1 page max): <br />A. Agency description - The Orange County Children's Therapeutic Arts Center (OCCTAC) has been <br />in operation for 19 years in the City of Santa Ana. Our agency has grown significantly <br />throughout the years, and established strong community partnerships, such as the City of Santa <br />Ana, the Santa Ana Unified School District, the Santa Ana College, the County of Orange, and <br />others. OCCTAC has served over 20,000 youth since the year 2000, rising from 100 students in <br />its first year to more than 6000 youth each year! OCCTAC prioritizes on serving at -risk youth, <br />foster youth, high school dropout students, homeless youth and youth with disabilities. Our <br />programs integrate youth with and without disabilities in a nurturing, community -based <br />environment, which teaches respect, disability awareness, and full inclusion. <br />B. List the facility address and major cross streets. OCCTAC is located at 2215 N Broadway, <br />Santa Ana, CA. 92706. Our major cross streets are North Broadway and Buffalo. <br />C. Indicate hours of operation for facility - OCCTAC is opened 6 days per week (Monday — <br />Saturday), from 8:30am until 8:00 pm, but closed on Sundays. <br />D. Briefly indicate what makes your facility youth friendly and suitable for the proposed <br />program. OCCTAC is strategically located close to bus terminals for the convenience of the <br />youth; and our facility is compliant with all ADA guidelines and regulations. Our facility, <br />location, hours of operations, and wide variety of programs makes our facility youth friendly <br />and suitable for the proposed WIOA program. <br />E. Provide brief information on the following elements: <br />1. Average annual operating budget and sources of revenue - The average annual operating <br />budget for the OCCTAC is approximately $1,200,000. OCCTAC's sources of revenue come <br />from a variety of sources, including the Santa Ana Unified School District, the County of <br />Orange, other grants, fee for service, private donations, public donations, and fundraising. <br />2. Brief description of staff - OCCTAC is staffed by highly qualified bilingual staff, including: <br />credentialed teachers, artists, therapists, case managers, counselors, and others. The WIOA <br />Program will be staffed by a full time Case Manager, a Job Developer, a Career Counselor, an <br />Arts/Technology Mentor and a Literacy/Math Tutor. <br />3. Past experience with WIOA programs or other youth programs - OCCTAC has been serving <br />the Santa Ana youth for 19 years; and we have operated WIOA programs since the year20051 <br />Every year our Youth Employment program grows and demonstrates positive outcomes with <br />the participants. We are very proud of our accomplishments throughout the years! <br />4. What kind of impact has your organization made on the youth community - OCCTAC has <br />had a tremendous impact on the Santa Ana youth community. We are very proud of our <br />accomplishments throughout the years. OCCTAC's innovative approach, which combines the <br />arts, education, health and technology programs, provides youth a variety of programs they <br />can engage in. Furthermore, our WIOA program participants always have successful <br />outcomes. In 2017-18, our WIOA participants attained employment/entered education at a <br />rate of 89 %, attained a credential at a rate of 89 %, and attained Literacy and Numeracy gains <br />a rate of 73%. These outcomes demonstrate the commitment and dedication of our <br />wonderful WIOA program staff. <br />1 <br />