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4. All signage shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, regulations and i <br />permitting requirements. 4 <br />5. The electronic reader board sign shall incorporate "City of Santa Ana", "Santa <br />Ana" or the City logo into its electronic messaging. Further, the Project Name <br />signage (Sign No. 7) shall incorporate "Santa Ana" into the permanent signage. <br />6. The Cube banner shall be devoted to advertising a special display or event <br />occurring on the premises. <br />7. Roof top inflatables shall be permitted for a maximum of four months on the <br />premises, subject to City review and approval. <br />8. Illumination shall be prohibited on all temporary (banner and inflatable) signage. <br />9. Signage for public service announcements (PSA) shall be made available at the <br />request of the City. Any PSA sign to be installed shall be at the sole expense of <br />the City. <br />10.Any amendment to the regional planned sign program must be submitted to the <br />Planning Division for review. At that time, staff will determine if such amendment <br />is minor (such as a reduction in sign size) so that administrative relief is available <br />or if the approved sign program must be amended. <br />