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or destroy the trees natural integrity and shape, or failure to detect and prevent treatable diseases and <br />insect Infestations as determined by the City of Santa Ana. <br />Replacement shall be made by the Contractor in the kind and size of trees determined by the City of <br />Santa Ana. Where there is a difference in value between the trees lost and the replacement of trees, <br />this difference will be deducted from the contract payment. In all cases, the value of the trees lost will <br />be determined by the City of Santa Ana using the latest American Shade Tree Conference guidelines <br />for value determination. <br />1.4. SHRUB CARE <br />Contractor shall remove dead shrubs and backfill to existing grade with imported soil as necessary to <br />maintain a consistent finished grade. Sinkholes will not be acceptable as it represents a liability to the <br />City. Replacements of shrubs will be approved by City of Santa Ana. <br />Wall vines adjacent to and coming from City landscapes are a part of the maintenance of this contract. <br />Wall vines shall be kept trimmed approximately four (4) inches from the wall and eight (8) inches below <br />the top of the wall. Where wall vines have been allowed to grow over the top of the wall, the Contractor <br />shall keep wall vines trimmed down to the top of the wall. Wall vines may require trimming two or more <br />times per month during the growing season. <br />ilIM99RIMMIK_' <br />All shrubs growing in the work areas shall be pruned as required, to maintain plants in a healthy growing <br />condition and to maintain plant growth within reasonable bounds to prevent encroachment of passage <br />ways, walks, streets, view of signs or in any manner deemed objectionable by the City of Santa Ana. <br />Dead or damaged limbs or branches shall be cleaned out and removed with sharp pruning tools with <br />no projections or stubs remaining. Pruning shall be done in a manner to permit plants to grow naturally <br />in accordance with their normal growth characteristics except box hedging may be required on some <br />shrubs, as designated by the City of Santa Ana. Shear hedging or severe pruning of plants, unless <br />authorized by the City of Santa Ana, shall not be permitted. Should the Contractor shear hedges or <br />severely prune plants and disfigure or damage the plants, the contractor shall be responsible for <br />replacing those plants with like kind and size as determined by the City of Santa Ana. The Contractor <br />may be requested from time to time to raise the bottom or lower the tops of the shrubs for security <br />reasons. This shall be considered routine maintenance and performed at no extra cost to the City. <br />1.4.2 FERTILIZATION <br />All shrubs shall be fertilized using a complete fertilizer (such as 16-6-8) four (4) times per year. The rate <br />of application shall be two (2) pounds of actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. Proof of application in <br />the form of empty fertilizer bags may be requested at any time by the City of Santa Ana. Advanced <br />notice shall be given the City of Santa Ana prior to performing this task. <br />1.4.3 RENOVATION <br />Shrubs shall be thinned and pruned, separated and/or relocated for the health of the planting and the <br />appearance of the site, and at such other times when directed by the City. Infill planting of bare shrub <br />areas shall be replanted when necessary or upon request with plant material of the same <br />species one time per year as part of routine maintenance at no additional cost to the City. <br />City of Santa Ana - RFP 18-048 <br />Landscape Maintenance Services of Water Facillges and Santa Ma Regional Transportation Center <br />25H -19 <br />