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EXHIBIT 1A <br />9) REFERRALS <br />The primary principle of the referral system is to provide integrated and seamless delivery of <br />services to workers, job seekers, and employers. In order to facilitate such a system, Partners will <br />ensure and agree to: <br />a. Familiarize themselves with the basic eligibility and participation requirements, as well as <br />with the available services and benefits offered, for each of the Partners' programs <br />represented in the AJCC network; <br />b. Develop materials summarizing their program requirements and making them available for <br />Partners and customers; <br />c. Develop and utilize common intake, eligibility determination, assessment, and registration <br />forms, as appropriate; <br />d. Provide substantive referrals to customers who are eligible for supplemental and <br />complementary services and benefits under Partner programs; <br />e. Regularly evaluate ways to improve the referral process, including the use of customer <br />satisfaction surveys; <br />f. Commit to robust and ongoing communication required for an effective referral process; <br />g. Commit to actively follow up on the results of referrals and assuring that Partner resources <br />are being leveraged at an optimal level; <br />h. Ensure that intake and referral processes are customer -centered with the intent to provide <br />high quality customer service; <br />Ensure that general information regarding AJCC, programs, services, activities, and <br />resources shall be made available to all customers as appropriate; <br />j. Ensure that referrals will be made via email or other electronic means; <br />k. Ensure that referrals will include a direct link or access to other AJCC Partner staff that <br />can provide meaningful information or service, through the use of co -location, or real-time <br />technology (two-way communication and interaction with AJCC Partners that results in <br />services needed by the customer); and, <br />1. Ensure that the referral process will include specific staff name, the activity required, <br />desired outcome and a method for communicating back to the referring agency that the <br />service need was addressed. <br />10) AJCC OPERATING BUDGET <br />The purpose of this section is to establish funds and services that contribute to the local AJCC. <br />The parties consider this AJCC operating budget necessary to maintain the SAWDB's high- <br />25J-12 <br />