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3f. Park Security Cameras (Strategic Plan no. 1.1j) <br />o Administrative Services Manager Ron Ono, provided information on the security <br />cameras for the following parks: Madison, Windsor, Chepa's, Santa Anita and <br />Jerome. <br />o Council Member Iglesias inquired the reason for the delay at Windsor Village. <br />o Administrative Services Manager Ron Ono, stated the installation of the antenna <br />on Jackson School did not materialize and Siemens is looking at other <br />alternatives to bounce the signal off and antenna at Centennial Sports Lighting <br />pole to City Hall. <br />o Executive Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency Lisa <br />Rudloff, provided additional information on the cameras situation for Windsor <br />Village. <br />o Council Member Iglesias requested to have a report on the item, at a future <br />Council meeting. <br />4 SANTA ANITA PARK IMPROVEMENT REQUEST (Strategic Plan No. 6.1g) <br />o Administrative Services Manager Ron Ono, provided information on expansion <br />possibilities for the Community Center that includes synthetic turf and lights for <br />Santa Anita Park. <br />o Mayor Pro Tern Villegas, suggested staff contact the property owners to inquire if <br />there is an interest in selling. <br />o Acting City Manager Steven Mendoza, directed staff to do initial research on <br />acquisition of property. <br />o Council Member Iglesias requested installation of lights between the property line <br />wall. <br />5. PUBLIC RESTROOMS AT CITY PARKS (Strategic Plan No. 6.2a) <br />o Administrative Services Manager Ron Ono, provided information on the cleaning <br />of public restrooms at City Parks that are cleaned and inspected twice a day. <br />o Council Member Iglesias, requested to see a cleaning schedule of the restrooms <br />and the amount being paid to the contractor for the services. <br />o Council Member Iglesias, inquired the amount of staff needed to provide the <br />highest quality of service to the community. <br />o Executive Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency Lisa <br />Rudloff, provided information on staffing levels. <br />o Administrative Services Manager Ron Ono, mentioned funding additional lighting <br />in parks has been requested in the budget. <br />o Acting City Manager Steven Mendoza, provided information on past budget <br />policies and recommendations. <br />o Council Member Iglesias, requested information on what it will take to make it <br />fully operational, as it was back in the 1980's. <br />o Mayor Pro Tern Villegas, suggested Measure X funds be used to renovate <br />restrooms at the parks. <br />o Council Member Iglesias, requested an update of the RFP for security for the <br />City Council meeting. <br />13E-11 <br />