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We have been informed regarding a proposed <br />expansion of the church. <br />As it stands, the church is under a conditional use <br />permit and has been, since the very beginning, in <br />violation of said permit. <br /> <br />The parishioners as well as the leadership of the <br />church have no regard for the fact that this <br />church is in a residential neighborhood and as <br />result we are subjected to traffic congestion, <br />attendees parking in front of residential exit gates <br />and driveways. <br />Then there is the fact of ear piercing noise lasting <br />for hours coming from the churches parking lot. <br />That parking lot is not yards but mere feet from <br />our bed room window. <br />The reason for the noise is, as parishioners are in <br />the sanctuary children run amok in the parking <br />lot shrieking endlessly. We have a recording on <br />our phone with an example of the noise. <br />The noise problem increases in summer when <br />schools are out children get dropped off at the <br />parking lot, playing ball and screaming for hours <br />on end. <br />Also there has been a problem with teenagers <br />verbally assaulting residents as well as hooting <br />off illegal fireworks on the 4th of July. It gets so <br />bad that our family now leaves town for this <br />holiday taking our animals with us. <br /> <br />A new structure as proposed by the church will <br />only increase those problems.