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Resolution No. 2019-xx <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />cars and the public right-of-way. The walk-up window will not <br />cause harm to any future customers as the design for the <br />order area will provide sufficient space for customers to stand <br />as they wait for their food orders. Conversely, the window <br />service will help activate the street presence of the restaurant <br />which is also a goal of the Bristol Street Corridor Specific Plan, <br />and it will remain open during the same hours as the drive- <br />through. <br />3. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the present economic <br />stability or future economic development of properties surrounding <br />the area. <br />The drive-through and walk-up window service will not <br />adversely affect the economic stability or future economic <br />development of properties in the surrounding area. An eating <br />establishment with drive-through service will provide an <br />additional service and eating opportunities for the area and <br />will provide a commercial business that generates sales tax <br />revenue for the City. The walk-up window service is <br />expected to generate a higher volume of pedestrian traffic <br />than those with indoor sit-down customer areas. <br />4. That the proposed use will comply with the regulations and <br />conditions specified in Chapter 41 for such use. <br />The proposed use complies with the development standards <br />and regulations contained in Chapter 41 of the SAMC. A <br />condition of approval has been added to the conditional use <br />permits to require a property maintenance agreement to be <br />recorded against the property which will ensure that the <br />property and all improvements are properly maintained. <br />5. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the General Plan of <br />the city or any specific plan applicable to the area of the proposed <br />use. <br />The proposed eating establishment with drive-through and <br />walk-up window service will not adversely affect the General <br />Plan. The project is located in a General Commercial (GC) <br />General Plan land use designation which allows for <br />commercial uses such as retail, service and eating <br />establishment uses. The project is consistent with several <br />goals and policies of the General Plan, including the Economic <br />Development Element, Land Use Element, and Urban Design <br />Element. Land Use Element Goal 1 promotes a balance of <br />land uses to address basic community needs. Land Use <br />Element Goal 2 promotes land uses that enhance the City’s <br />economic and fiscal viability. Policy 2.8 promotes <br />2-12