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City Council (2004 - Present)
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Letter of Support re Item 60A Request for Approval of a Density Bonus Agreement to Allow a <br />552 Unit Affordable Rental Project at 2110, 2114, and 2020 East First Street <br />August 20, 2019 <br />p. 4 <br />Further, the denial of the Unit violates recently enacted state legislation that codifies the directive <br />imposed by the Fair Housing Act on jurisdictions to affirmatively further fair housing. (Gov. <br />Code §65583 (c) (5).) The City's current Housing Element underscores the need of the City to <br />ensure its legal compliance with the requirement to further fair housing opportunity. In the <br />housing element, the city notes that 58% of its renters pay more than 30% of their income on <br />rent.6 These conditions ...lead to a number of hardships for the households and their families, <br />including insufficient income to afford other necessities, undue burden on families, and <br />accelerated use and wear on housing.' As such, the city has identified a deft in housing for <br />extremely low, very low, and low-income households that the law requires it to address. <br />C. Santa Ana must ensure that it fully implements the programs identified in its Housing <br />Element <br />Under Housing Element law, the City has a duty to ensure that it is implementing each of its <br />programs during the housing element period. (Gov. Code §§ 65881(b); 65583(c) & (h); 65587, <br />65888.) The failure to implement the programs identified in its Housing Element subjects the <br />City to liability under Housing Element law. Program 28, the Density Bonus Ordinance Update, <br />incorporates state density bonus law and provides that applicants of multiple -family residential <br />and mixed -use projects of five or more units will be entitled to a density bonus of at least 5% are <br />very low income units or at least 10% are lower income units (Santa Ana Housing Element <br />2013-2021, p. 60, 61.) The density bonus ranges from 20 to 35% according to how much <br />affordable housing is provided above the minimum percentage in state law (Id.). The program <br />also authorizes those eligible projects, such as the proposal of the Unit, may also receive one to <br />three concessions or other development incentives, depending on the proportion of affordable <br />units and level of income that is targeted (Id.). As described in this letter, the City will also <br />violate its duty under state housing element law to fully implement its programs, if it delays this <br />project. <br />Conclusion <br />There is a scarcity of quality affordable housing units in the City. The City's recent Housing <br />Element noted there is a scarcity of affordable housing units in the City: "[H]ousing affordability <br />is a critical issue for many households. The lack of affordable housing can create undesirable <br />situations, including overpayment and overcrowding."8 Five hundred and fifty-two units of <br />affordable housing could lessen the issues of overpayment and overcrowding by <br />increasing the supply of affordable housing for a community in desperate need of it. <br />Further, as set forth in the many staff reports associated with analysis of the Unit, <br />approval of this item supports the City's efforts to meet General Plan Goal Nos. 3; and 5, <br />and Objective No. 3. The City's residents desperately need help with affordable housing <br />and addition to the aged multifamily housing stock in the City, and they need it now. The <br />Council should approve this Unit now. <br />6 Santa Ana Housing Element (2014-2021), p. 20. <br />Ibid. <br />B Id. at p. 19. <br />601 Civic Center Drive West • Santa Ana, CA 92701-4002 • (714) 541-1010 • Pax (714) 541-5157 <br />
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