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A-2019-092 <br />AJG 0 6 7.Oig Exhibit i MOU No.: M-025-18 <br />� ��� SCAG Project(OWP No.: 225-356432.11 <br />co F W,\ Y�VS 0 COVER PAGE <br />MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br />No. M-025-18 <br />SCAG Overall Work Program (OWP) No: 225-3564J2.11 <br />Federal/State Awarding Agency: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) <br />CFDA Number and Name: 20.205 <br />Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN) No: N/A <br />Federal Award Date: N/A <br />Total Amount of the Federal Award: N/A <br />Federal Award Project Description: N/A <br />Pass -Through Awarding Agency: State of California Department of Transportation <br />Pass -Through Award No: ATPLNI-6049(018) <br />Pass -Through Award Date: 01/26/2018 (E-76 Authorization Date) <br />Pass -Through Award Amount: S 1,784,000 in Federal Funds and $579,000 in Local Match <br />Pass -Through Agency Contact: David Wang, Senior Transportation Engineer <br />Sub -Recipient Name: City of Santa Ana <br />Sub -Recipient's DUNS No: 083153247 <br />Total Amount of Federal Funds Obligated to the Sub -Recipient: $28,480 <br />Total Amount of Non -Federal Funds Obligated by the Sub -Recipient: $24,986 <br />Total Amount of the Subaward Project: $53,466 <br />Reimbursement Ratio: 53.27% <br />Subaward Period of Performance Start Date: Effective Date of the MOU <br />Subaward Period of Performance End Date: 12/31/2019 <br />Type of Contract: Project Specific <br />Method of Payment: Lump Sum <br />Project R&D: N/A <br />Indirect Cost Rate for the Federal Award: 10% de minimis rate <br />Subaward Project Title: City of Santa Ana Bicyclist/Pedestrian Education Campaign Implementation <br />Subaward Project Description: The City of Santa Ana Police Department shall conduct sixteen (16) <br />Saturation Patrols and the City of Santa Ana Public Works Traffic Engineering staff will conduct ten (10) <br />bicycle and pedestrian traffic safety presentations to community organizations. These services support the <br />objective of a larger project to conduct a yearlong educational outreach campaign related to bicycle and <br />pedestrian safety in the City of Santa Ana. <br />Febmary 26, 2019 <br />Page 1 <br />25C-3 <br />